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Build a Real-Time Collaborative Drawing App

· 7 min read
Deniz Colak

In the era of instant communication and dynamic web content, real-time features in web applications have transitioned from a luxury to a necessity. Whether it's live chats, collaborative tools, or live updates, real-time functionality enhances user experience and engagement significantly. This blog post introduces a simple yet captivating project that demonstrates the power of real-time features: a real-time collaborative drawing app built with React and powered by Agnost for real-time communication.


This drawing app allows multiple users to join a shared canvas and draw in real-time. Each stroke made by a user is instantly visible to all other participants, demonstrating the seamless integration of real-time web technologies. The project not only showcases the technical implementation of such features but also serves as a testament to the interactive and collaborative possibilities they unlock.

The importance of real-time features in modern web applications cannot be overstated. They enable a more interactive and engaging user experience, encouraging collaboration and instant sharing of information. By the end of this post, you'll have a clear understanding of how to implement real-time features in your own web applications using Agnost, a versatile and powerful real-time engine.

What is Agnost?

Agnost is a comprehensive backend solution designed to facilitate real-time interactions within web applications. It offers a robust set of tools and APIs that make implementing real-time data exchange straightforward and efficient. With features like real-time messaging, presence indicators, and live data updates, Agnost is the backbone of many modern, interactive web applications.

The core of Agnost's appeal lies in its simplicity and power. Developers can integrate Agnost into their projects with minimal setup, yet it's capable of powering complex real-time features at scale. Whether you're building a chat app, a live dashboard, or, as in our case, a collaborative drawing tool, Agnost provides the real-time capabilities you need.

Setting Up the Project

Before diving into the code, let's set up our project environment. We'll need Node.js installed on our system to get started. Once Node.js is ready, we can create a new React application and install the necessary dependencies.

  • Agnost: Ensure that Agnost is deployed on your Kubernetes cluster. If you haven't already deployed Agnost, you can follow the official documentation to get started.

  • Create an app withing Agnost: You can create an app within Agnost by following the official documentation.

  • Generate an API Key: You can generate an API key by following the official documentation.

  1. Create a New React App: Use the command npx create-react-app realtime-drawing-app to scaffold a new React application.

  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to your project directory and install the following dependencies:

    • @agnost/client for real-time communication.
    • styled-components for styling our components.

    Run npm install @agnost/client styled-components to install these packages.

  3. Tech Stack Overview: Our application will primarily use React for the frontend, styled-components for styling, and Agnost for handling real-time interactions.

Building the Drawing App

The foundation of our drawing app is a simple React application. We'll structure our app into several key components:

  • CanvasContainer: Manages the drawing canvas.
  • Toolbar: Allows users to choose colors and brush sizes.
  • UserList: Displays the list of users currently connected to the drawing session.

Each component plays a distinct role, working together to provide a seamless drawing experience.

Integrating Agnost for Real-Time Capabilities

Integrating Agnost into our React app involves setting up a client instance and connecting to Agnost's real-time services. Here's how we can achieve this:

  1. Initialize Agnost Client: We create an instance of the Agnost client using our project's base URL and client key.

  2. Manage Real-Time Connections: Upon component mounting, we open a connection to Agnost and listen for join/leave events and drawing actions from other users.

  3. Handling User Join/Leave Events: We update our application state to reflect the users currently connected, ensuring our UserList component displays the real-time list of participants.

  4. Broadcasting Drawing Actions: When a user draws on the canvas, we broadcast the drawing action to all connected users using Agnost's real-time broadcasting capabilities.

const baseUrl = ""
const clientKey = "ak-xp0hbzsr........lroipc9x3b5as7"
let options = {
realtime: {
autoJoinChannels: false,
bufferMessages: true,
echoMessages: true,
reconnectionDelay: 2000,
timeout: 30000,

const agnost = createClient(baseUrl, clientKey, options)

useEffect(() => {

agnost.realtime.on("draw", handleDrawingEvent)

return () => {
}, [])

This snippet shows how we set up the Agnost client with configuration options and establish a real-time connection when the component mounts. We listen for draw, join, and leave events to update the canvas and user list in real time.

Implementing the Drawing Feature

The drawing functionality captures mouse events on the canvas to draw lines. It then broadcasts these drawing actions to all connected users using Agnost's real-time broadcasting capabilities. This way, when one user draws on the canvas, all other users see the updates in real time.

const draw = (event) => {
event.preventDefault() // Prevent default browser actions
if (!isDrawing) return
const canvas =
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect()
const x = event.pageX - rect.left
const y = event.pageY -
const { x: prevX, y: prevY } = prevPosition
drawLine(prevX, prevY, x, y, color, brushSize)
setPrevPosition({ x, y })
// Broadcast the drawing event to other users
agnost.realtime.broadcast("draw", {
position: { x, y },

const handleDrawingEvent = (event) => {
const { position, prevPosition, color, brushSize } =

When a user draws on the canvas, we broadcast the drawing action using agnost.realtime.broadcast. Other users receive this action through the handleDrawingEvent function, allowing them to see the drawing in real time.

Displaying Connected Users

Managing and displaying the list of connected users is crucial for our collaborative drawing app. We use Agnost's join and leave events to update the list of users dynamically, ensuring the UserList component accurately reflects who is currently connected.

const handleUserJoin = async () => {
const membersData = await agnost.realtime.getMembers("drawing-room")
const memberIds = =>

const handleUserLeave = async () => {
const membersData = await agnost.realtime.getMembers("drawing-room")
const memberIds = =>

These functions are called in response to user join and leave events. They fetch the current list of users from the Agnost service and update the users state, which is then displayed in the UI.

Challenges and Solutions

Throughout the development process, we encountered challenges such as managing real-time state synchronization and handling rapid drawing actions efficiently. We'll discuss how these were addressed, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.

Real-Time State Synchronization

One of the primary challenges was ensuring that the drawing canvas and user list were updated in real time as users joined, left, or drew on the canvas. By leveraging Agnost's real-time broadcasting and presence features, we were able to synchronize the state across all connected clients seamlessly.

Efficient Drawing Action Handling

Handling rapid drawing actions efficiently was another challenge. We needed to ensure that drawing actions were broadcasted and rendered without delay, even when multiple users were drawing simultaneously. By optimizing the drawing action handling and leveraging Agnost's real-time capabilities, we were able to achieve a responsive and fluid drawing experience.

Conclusion and Future Enhancements

Our collaborative drawing app demonstrates the potential of real-time web technologies to create engaging and interactive user experiences. With Agnost powering our real-time features, we've built an application that not only functions seamlessly but also opens the door to future enhancements, such as adding authentication, supporting different drawing tools, and improving scalability.

Appendix: Additional Resources

For those interested in dive deeper, the following resources might be helpful:


Complete source code for the drawing app can be found on GitHub. Feel free to explore the code and experiment with additional features to further enhance the app's functionality.