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Deploying Applications with Helm Charts on Kubernetes

· 9 min read
Deniz Colak

Ahoy, DevOps explorers! Your journey continues, and as you ride the waves of the Kubernetes ocean, a new tool emerges in your navigation toolkit – Helm! Yes, Helm, the de-facto package manager for Kubernetes. Consider Helm as your trustworthy navigator, simplifying your journey and guiding you across the vast Kubernetes seascape.

This guide will steer you from installing Minikube and Helm, to crafting your Helm charts, and finally applying these charts to your Minikube clusters. In our voyage, we'll be deploying a Node.js app with an ELK stack using Helm. Brace yourselves for a thrilling voyage that will reveal the true value of Helm charts. Let’s set sail!

Installing Minikube & Helm

First things first, let's ensure we have all the necessary tools installed.

Installing Minikube

In our previous expedition, we've already encountered Minikube. Remember that Minikube is your personal local Kubernetes playground, allowing you to run Kubernetes on your local machine.

If you've missed out on setting up Minikube in your previous voyage, fret not! We've got you covered. Just run the following command:

brew install minikube

Installing Helm

If Kubernetes is the sea, Helm is your chart, your guide through the turbulent waves. Helm is the most popular package manager for Kubernetes, simplifying the definition, storage, and management of Kubernetes applications.

Install Helm on your machine using the following command:

brew install helm

What is Helm and why is it important for Kubernetes?

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes, which means it's a tool that assists you in managing Kubernetes applications — think of it like npm for Node.js, or apt for Debian. Helm deploys charts, which are packaged applications that can be shared across the Kubernetes ecosystem. This is especially important because it streamlines the process of getting applications up and running on a cluster.

When working with Kubernetes, you'll often find that you have many different components that make up an application. Managing all these different pieces — deployment configurations, services, volumes, etc. — can quickly become unwieldy. Helm simplifies this process by bringing all these elements together in one cohesive package called a chart. Thus, Helm becomes crucial for Kubernetes as it saves you time and prevents errors that could occur from manually deploying and managing Kubernetes applications.

Building a Helm Chart

Now that we have our tools ready, it's time to delve into the exciting world of Helm Charts!

  1. Creating Your Helm Chart

    Helm uses a packaging format called charts. A chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. Think of a chart as a blueprint for your Kubernetes application.

    To create a new chart, use the helm create command:

    helm create node-elk

    This creates a new directory node-elk with the structure of a chart. The directory will include several files and directories. The most important of them is the values.yaml file, which is the default configuration file for your chart.

  2. Customizing Your Chart

Your new chart is generic and needs to be customized to describe your application. Let's start customizing it!

Open the values.yaml file. This file contains default configuration values for your chart. In a nutshell, values.yaml is where you configure the components of your application.

For our Node.js application with the ELK stack, we'll need to specify the Docker images, environment variables, ports, and other settings. We'll use the configuration from our Docker Compose file as a reference.

# values.yaml
replicaCount: 1
repository: node-elk
tag: "latest"
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
type: ClusterIP
port: 3000

Here, we specify that we want one replica of our application replicaCount: 1. We define the Docker image to use image.repository: node-elk and the tag for the Docker image image.tag: latest, and we set the image pull policy image.pullPolicy: IfNotPresent. We also define the service to expose our application service.type: ClusterIP and the port our application is exposed on service.port: 3000.

  1. Configuring Chart Metadata

Now, open the Chart.yaml file. This file contains metadata about your chart. Let's add some information about our Node.js app:

apiVersion: v2
name: node-elk
description: A Helm chart for our Node.js app with the ELK stack
type: application
version: 1.0.0
appVersion: 1.0.0

Here, we specify the API version of Helm apiVersion: v2, the name of our chart name: node-elk, a description description: A Helm chart for our Node.js app with the ELK stack, the type of the chart type: application, and the versions of our chart and our app version: 1.0.0 and appVersion: 1.0.0.

With this, we've crafted a basic Helm chart for our Node.js app.

Charting the ELK Stack

Now, let's get our ELK stack sailing smoothly with Helm. We need to create a separate chart for each component: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana.

For each component, we follow the steps we used for our Node.js app: create a new chart, customize the values.yaml file, and configure the chart metadata in the Chart.yaml file.

But here's some good news – there are already pre-configured Helm charts for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana provided by Elastic. So, we don't need to create these charts from scratch. To add these pre-configured charts to your Helm repository, run:

helm repo add elastic

You can then install these charts using helm install:

helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch
helm install logstash elastic/logstash
helm install kibana elastic/kibana

Helm will use the configurations specified in the default values.yaml file for each chart. If you want to customize the charts, you can create your own values.yaml file and use it with the helm install command:

helm install elasticsearch elastic/elasticsearch -f myvalues.yaml
helm install logstash elastic/logstash -f myvalues.yaml
helm install kibana elastic/kibana -f myvalues.yaml

Now, both our Node.js app and our ELK stack are ready to sail! But before we set sail, we need to configure our Node.js app to send logs to Logstash.

What are the benefits of using Helm with the ELK Stack?

The ELK stack, composed of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, is a powerful trio used for managing, analyzing, and visualizing log data. When combined with Kubernetes, it provides an efficient way to handle the logs generated by your applications running on the cluster.

Helm comes into play by streamlining the deployment and management of the ELK stack on your Kubernetes cluster. With Helm, you can package the configuration of all components of the ELK stack into reusable charts. This means that deploying the ELK stack becomes as simple as running a single Helm install command, drastically reducing the complexity and margin for error compared to manually configuring each component.

Furthermore, Helm's power extends beyond the initial deployment. Once your ELK stack is up and running, Helm makes it easy to upgrade your stack, roll back to a previous version if something goes wrong, or even scale your stack to handle more data. This flexibility and control make Helm a valuable tool when working with complex stacks like the ELK stack.

Deploying Your Helm Charts

With our Helm charts ready, it's time to set sail! To deploy our Helm charts to our Minikube cluster, we use the helm install command:

helm install node-elk ./node-elk

This command deploys our Node.js app to our Minikube cluster. Helm will use the configurations specified in the values.yaml file of our chart.

That's it, sailor! Your Node.js app with the ELK stack is now sailing smoothly in your Minikube cluster, all thanks to your Helm charts!

This voyage has shown you how Helm charts can simplify deploying applications on Kubernetes. They provide a standard, versioned, and sharable way to package your applications, making your Kubernetes journey smoother and more enjoyable.

Accessing Your Deployed Application and ELK Stack

Now that your Node.js application and ELK stack are smoothly sailing in your Minikube cluster, let's see how we can access them.

  1. Accessing Your Node.js Application

To access your Node.js application, you need to find the port that your application is exposed on. Run the following command:

minikube service node-elk --url

# Output

Open the returned URL in your web browser to access your Node.js application.

  1. Accessing Kibana

Similarly, to access Kibana, you need to find the port that Kibana is exposed on. Run the following command:

minikube service kibana-kibana --url

# Output

Open the returned URL in your web browser to access Kibana.

Managing Your Helm Releases

Helm isn't just about deploying applications – it's also about managing the lifecycle of your applications.

  1. Upgrading Your Helm Release

If you want to upgrade your application, you can modify the values.yaml file in your chart and then use the helm upgrade command:

helm upgrade node-elk ./node-elk

# Output
Release "node-elk" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!

Helm will perform a rolling update of your application, ensuring zero downtime.

  1. Rolling Back Your Helm Release

If something goes wrong with your application after an upgrade, you can roll back to a previous version using the helm rollback command:

helm rollback node-elk 1

# Output
Rollback was a success! Happy Helming!

This command rolls back your node-elk release to revision 1.

  1. Deleting Your Helm Release

If you no longer need your application, you can delete it using the helm uninstall command:

helm uninstall node-elk

# Output
release "node-elk" uninstalled

This command removes your node-elk release from your Kubernetes cluster.

With these Helm commands, you can easily manage the lifecycle of your applications, from deployment to upgrade and rollback, and finally to deletion.

Final Reflection

In the grand scheme of Kubernetes, Helm charts bring substantial value by encapsulating all elements of a Kubernetes application into a single, versioned, and shareable package. This significantly simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes applications, particularly when dealing with complex applications or software stacks.

Helm charts are flexible and can be deployed across various environments, from a local Minikube cluster to a large-scale production cluster in the cloud. They can also scale your application to handle more traffic simply by changing a single value and upgrading your release.

But perhaps the most significant value of Helm charts is their shareability. Once a Helm chart is created, it can be shared and used by others, promoting code reuse and collaboration. This ultimately speeds up development and deployment processes, making Helm charts an invaluable tool in any Kubernetes developer's arsenal.

Congratulations on your successful voyage, sailor! Happy Helming! 🎉