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High Level Overview of Agnost Architecture

· 8 min read

Agnost is an open-source backend application development platform running on Kubernetes clusters. At its core, we aspired to make Agnost cloud provider agnostic so that application developers can easily switch from one cloud provider to another without hassle. In this blog, I will provide a high-level overview of Agnost architecture.

High Level Architecture

Agnost High Level Architecture

There are several different technologies and components in an Agnost cluster. First, the Agnost platform runs on Kubernetes clusters and is created using a Helm chart. We tried to keep the system resource requirements for the Kubernetes cluster as low as possible. As of this writing, 4 CPUs and 8 GB of memory are the minimum resources needed for an up-and-running Agnost cluster. Below are the descriptions of crucial technologies and cluster components.

There are three logical groups in an Agnost cluster: Platform, Engine, and Cluster Resources. The platform modules (e.g., Platform-Core, Platform-Worker, Platform-Sync, and Platform-Studio) primarily handle backend application design and development. These modules manage developed application data and allow developers to create their apps through Agnost-Studio, the platform's front-end. Whereas the Engine modules (Engine-Worker, Engine-Monitor, Engine-Scheduler, Engine-Realtime, and API Servers) manage application deployment and execution. The developed applications are deployed through the Agnost cluster Engine modules, and requests to an application endpoint are handled. Finally, the Cluster resources (e.g., Platform-Database, Platform-Cache, Platform-Message Broker, Cloud Storage, and Knative) are the open-source technologies an Agnost cluster utilizes to develop, deploy, and run backend applications.

Cluster Resources

  • Platform-Database: We use MongoDB to store all information about platform users and applications. All data about application versions, design specifications, endpoint code, etc. is stored in this database, and it is used as the single source of truth. We also use this database to store application logs and metadata of storage buckets and objects. MongoDB is a document-oriented database that stores data in flexible and schema-less JSON-like documents called BSON (Binary JSON). This flexibility allows us to store and access the design data of the developed applications in a way that aligns closely with our application's data structures. The document model also makes it easier to evolve the data schema over time without downtime or complex migrations.
  • Platform-Cache: We use Redis to cache a subset of MongoDB data to speed up application design data retrieval. A copy of the essential app data stored in MongoDB is also cached in Redis for faster access. In addition, we also use Redis to cache user sessions, API keys and utilize its pub/sub mechanism to autoscale servers (e.g., Platform-Sync and Engine-Realtime). Redis is designed to deliver exceptional performance. It stores data primarily in memory, allowing fast read and write operations. Redis achieves high throughput and low latency, making it suitable for Agnost that require real-time data processing and low response times.
  • Platform-Message Broker: We use RabbitMQ as the message broker to manage our asynchronous task queues. We create several queues to manage application data model deployments and application code push to API servers. RabbitMQ ensures reliable message delivery between Agnost modules and guarantees that messages are not lost, even in the event of system failures or network disruptions. Messages can be persisted to disk ensuring that they are delivered to the intended Agnost modules.
  • Cluster Storage: To handle the document storage needs of the Agnost platform itself and the storage needs of the developed applications, we use MinIO. ReadWriteMany access mode is not natively supported by Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) in Kubernetes. PVCs are designed to provide access to a single node or pod at a time, which is known as the ReadWriteOnce (RWO) access mode. In contrast, MinIO provides a distributed object storage solution and can be deployed as a shared storage backend within a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Knative: In Agnost, an application can have multiple versions. You can think of versions as branches in Git. Each version also has its API Server deployed as a Knative service. This approach ensures that developers working on different versions of an app each have their own development environments. We use the serverless infrastructure of Knative to effectively utilize cluster resources so that application versions that are obsolete or do not handle much traffic can be scaled down to zero pods to preserve cluster resources. Additionally, Knative automatically scales your workloads based on incoming request traffic. It scales up and down to meet the demand, ensuring your applications have the necessary resources to handle varying workloads. This auto-scaling capability helps optimize resource utilization and ensures that your applications can handle high traffic efficiently.

Agnost Platform Modules

  • Platform-Core: This Node.js application is the API server of the Agnost cluster. Agnost Studio (a.k.a.. Platform-Studio) is the platform's front end that sends RESTful API requests to Platform-Core. This module handles cluster user registration, organization, app, and version creation, and for each version, management of data models, endpoints, cron jobs, message queues, and storage.
  • Platform-Worker: The worker for the Platform-Core. Platform-Worker is primarily used to perform asynchronous tasks on behalf of the Platform-Core. It listens to messages dispatched through Platform-Mesage Broker (RabbitMQ) and performs necessary activities. Currently, we are using Platform-Worker to send emails. However, its capabilities will be enriched in future versions.
  • Platform-Sync: This is the realtime server of the platform. It is primarily used to send realtime messages about design and code changes of developed applications. Through this realtime server, connected clients (e.g., Agnost-Studio) receive realtime updates. In a multi-user platform, several team members working on an app need to get realtime feedback about the changes made by other developers or notified about important system messages (e.g., data model deployment to the database failed).
  • Platform-Studio: This React app is the platform's front-end, where you manage settings, resources, and users of your Agnost cluster and create and deploy new applications.

Agnost Engine Modules

  • Engine-Worker: This module handles the deployment of the application design to the databases, API servers, and cron job scheduler. Whenever the design of the developed app changes, a message is sent to Engine-Worker through Platform-Message Broker, and the message is processed and required actions are taken. As an example, if the app developer adds a new table to a database or modifies a field in a table, then Platform-Worker performs the actual update on the linked database server. Additionally, this module also manages the organization and application resources, such as creating a new database, cache, message broker, or API server in the cluster.
  • Engine-Monitor: The monitoring and health check of all Agnost cluster resources, including the ones created within the cluster and the externally linked ones, are handled through this module. This module periodically checks the status of the resources (e.g., whether the created PostgreSQL database is up and running or the linked external Redis cache is up and running) and updates their status in the platform database and, in case of critical events, sends realtime notifications.
  • Engine-Scheduler: Cron jobs defined in application versions are managed through this module. Whenever a new cron job is created, or an existing one is updated, Engine-Scheduler performs the necessary updates. This module also triggers cron job executions. In an Agnost cluster app, cron jobs are triggered by sending a message to its respective queue through Platform-Message Broker (RabbitMQ). The API Server of the app listens to this specific queue and, whenever a message is received, runs the handler code of the cron job.
  • Engine-Realtime: This is the server of the apps that utilize realtime features of the platform. Through this module, applications can manage realtime channels (e.g., topics) and send messages to connected clients.
  • API Server: As briefly mentioned above, each version of an app developed in Agnost Cluster has its API Server. API Servers are created as a Knative service, a.k.a. serverless function. The API servers are responsible for running the handler code for app endpoints and the handler code for message queues and cron jobs. They run in autoscale mode so that when the workload of the API server increases, new API Sever pods are created to handle increased traffic.

In addition to these modules, developers can create several database, cache, or message-broker resources within their Agnost cluster if it has enough capacity. You can increase the cluster capacity (e.g., CPU, memory, storage) vertically (upgrading nodes) or horizontally (adding new nodes) so that you can accommodate new resources. Alternatively, you can create these resources outside your Agnost cluster (e.g., you might already have a database server running somewhere) and link them as external resources so that your Agnost apps can access them and perform the required actions.

Join the Agnost Community

As Agnost continues to evolve, we invite you to join the vibrant Agnost community. Connect with like-minded developers and architects share knowledge, and collaborate on exciting projects. As an open-source platform, Agnost thrives on community contributions, feedback, and suggestions. Together, we can shape the future of backend development and create remarkable applications. If you have suggestions or comments about Agnost arhitecture, please join the discussions at our Github Repo.

In conclusion, Agnost is a cloud provider agnostic application development platform that integrates proven open-source technologies under the hood. It provides the core functionalities (e.g., database, application server, storage, security, authentication) that are needed in almost every backend application out of the box. Hence, it significantly simplifies application development and reduces infrastructure set-up and management time.