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Scheduling Tasks with Agnost's Cronjob

· 6 min read
Deniz Colak

In the realm of backend development, automating recurring tasks is pivotal for application efficiency. Agnost, an open-source app development platform, offers a robust cronjob feature to streamline task management. This guide dives deep into Agnost's cronjob functionality, providing insights, best practices, and practical examples. Whether you're new to cronjobs or seeking optimization, this guide equips you with the knowledge to leverage Agnost's cronjob feature effectively, enhancing scalability and performance in backend development.

Understanding Cronjobs

At the heart of every efficient backend system lies the concept of automation. Cronjobs, with their ability to execute tasks automatically at scheduled intervals, epitomize this concept. From routine maintenance activities to complex data processing tasks, cronjobs are indispensable for maintaining the integrity and functionality of applications. By using cronjobs, developers can improve the full potential of their applications, ensuring consistent performance and reliability.

Agnost's Cronjob Feature

In the fast-paced world of backend development, agility is paramount. Agnost's cronjob feature embodies this ethos, offering developers a seamless and intuitive solution for managing recurring tasks within Kubernetes environments. With its array of features tailored to meet the demands of modern development workflows, Agnost empowers developers to harness the power of automation and propel their projects to new heights.

Key Features of Agnost's Cronjob Feature

  1. Scalability: In today's digital landscape, scalability is non-negotiable. Agnost leverages the scalability capabilities of Kubernetes, allowing developers to effortlessly scale their cronjobs to meet fluctuating workload demands. Whether it's processing a few records or handling massive datasets, Agnost ensures optimal performance and resource utilization, enabling applications to scale seamlessly as they grow.

  2. Reliability: Reliability is the cornerstone of any successful application. With Agnost, developers can rest assured that their cronjobs will execute reliably and consistently. By leveraging Kubernetes' robust architecture, Agnost provides a fault-tolerant execution environment for cronjobs, ensuring uninterrupted operation even in the face of node failures or disruptions.

  3. Flexibility: One size does not fit all in the world of backend development. Agnost recognizes this reality and offers developers the flexibility to tailor cronjob schedules to their specific needs. Using cron expressions, developers can define custom schedules with precision, ensuring that tasks are executed at the optimal times for their applications.

  4. Monitoring and Logging: Visibility is key to maintaining the health and performance of applications. Agnost offers built-in monitoring and logging features, giving developers real-time insights into the execution status and output of their cronjobs. With detailed logs and metrics at their fingertips, developers can quickly identify and troubleshoot any issues that may arise, ensuring the smooth operation of their applications.

Implementation of Cronjobs in Agnost

Now, let's walk through the implementation of cronjobs in Agnost, showcasing how developers can leverage this powerful feature to automate recurring tasks within their applications. For demonstration purposes, we'll provide an example of how to create a simple cronjob in Agnost to perform a routine data processing task.


  • Agnost: Ensure that Agnost is deployed on your Kubernetes cluster. If you haven't already deployed Agnost, you can follow the official documentation to get started.

  • Kubernetes Cluster: You'll need a Kubernetes cluster to deploy Agnost and its authentication module. If you don't have a Kubernetes cluster, you can use a managed Kubernetes service such as Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), or you can set up a local Kubernetes cluster using tools like Minikube or Kind.

  • Create an app withing Agnost: You can create an app within Agnost by following the official documentation.

  • Deploy your app version to its environment: Agnost ensures automatic deployment of the master version to an associated environment. However, you can manually deploy a version to an environment by following the official documentation.

  • Generate an API Key: You can generate an API key by following the official documentation.

Referencing the official documentation is essential to ensure that you have all the necessary information to integrate Agnost's authentication module into your projects.


Upon creating an app, Agnost automatically creates and deploys a master version to an associated environment but does not generate an API key. You must manually create this key, accessible along with other necessary information (client key, base URL) from your app version's Settings or Dashboard view in Agnost Studio.

Step 1: Create Cronjob

Let's open the Agnost Studio and navigate to the Cronjobs section. Click on the Create Task button to create a new cronjob.

Create a cronjob in Agnost

Step 2: Define Cronjob Schedule

In the cronjob creation form, you can define the schedule for your cronjob using a cron expression. A cron expression is a string representing a schedule, with five space-separated fields that define the time and date at which a task should be executed. For example, the following cron expression schedules a task to run every 15 minutes:

*/15 * * * *
Define a cronjob in Agnost

You can use online cron expression generators to create custom cron expressions that match your desired schedule. Once you've defined the schedule for your cronjob, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Configure Cronjob Task

Next, you can configure the task that your cronjob will execute. This can be a javascript code that you want to run at the scheduled intervals. You can also specify the variables that you want to pass to your task.

Configure a cronjob in Agnost

In this example we are running a simple task that logs a message to the console every time the cronjob is executed.

import { agnost } from "@agnost/server"

const cronJobHandler = async () => {
console.log("Checking inventory at:", new Date())
// Perform inventory check logic here
// Example: const inventoryStatus = await checkInventory();
// Log inventory check completion
console.log("Inventory check completed at:", new Date())
// Log inventory status if needed
// Example: console.log("Inventory status:", inventoryStatus);

export default cronJobHandler

Step 4: Running the Cronjob Manually

Once you've configured your cronjob, you can run it manually to verify that it executes as expected. You can do this by clicking the Test button in the cronjob details view.

Configure a cronjob in Agnost


In conclusion, Agnost's cronjob feature offers a comprehensive solution for automating recurring tasks within Kubernetes environments. With its scalability, reliability, and flexibility, developers can streamline the execution of cronjobs and ensure the seamless operation of their applications. By following the implementation guidelines and leveraging client libraries, developers can harness the power of Agnost's cronjob feature to enhance productivity and efficiency in their backend development workflows.

As you integrate Agnost into your projects, remember to leverage the client/server libraries and the extensive documentation available at Agnost's official website for additional methods and advanced functionalities.
