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Why We Are Developing Agnost?

· 12 min read
Deniz Colak

In today's fast-paced software development landscape, developers face numerous challenges while building scalable and secure backend applications. The process often involves integrating various technologies, managing databases, implementing authentication systems, handling message queues, optimizing caching, automating scheduled tasks, and ensuring real-time updates. These tasks can be time-consuming and complex, leading to reduced productivity and delayed project timelines.

To address these challenges, we introduce Agnost — an open-source Kubernetes development platform that equips developers with the tools and technologies to build robust backend applications efficiently. Agnost aims to streamline the development process by providing a comprehensive suite of features, including an application server, database integration, authentication, queues, caching, cron-jobs, and real-time capabilities. Furthermore, Agnost incorporates a low-code endpoint designer that enables developers to create and deploy APIs with ease.

Birth of Agnost

As the founders of Agnost, we wanted to create a reliable platform that would revolutionize the way developers build applications on Kubernetes clusters. The inspiration came from the challenges our clients faced while deploying and switching applications to various cloud providers such as AWS EKS, Azure AKS, GCP GKE, and even private Kubernetes clusters. We realized that developers needed a unified solution that simplifies the deployment process across different cloud platforms. This realization laid the foundation for Agnost, the agnostic cloud platform.

Personal Insights

As a developer, I want to share a personal insight into why we embarked on this journey to develop such a powerful development platform. Throughout my experience as a software developer, I noticed a significant gap between the industry's requirements and the tools available to meet those needs effectively. Developers often had to rely on multiple frameworks, libraries, and services, resulting in complex and fragmented architectures.

Driven by the desire to simplify and streamline backend development, we set out to create Agnost — Open-source App Development Platform running on Kubernetes clusters. Our mission is to empower developers with a unified platform that not only addresses their technical requirements but also enhances their productivity and enjoyment in the development process with mitigating the vendor lock-in risk.

By providing a cohesive and intuitive solution, Agnost aims to revolutionize the way developers build backend applications, enabling them to focus more on innovation and less on infrastructure.

Now, let's delve deeper into the industry requirements and the challenges that Agnost aims to tackle head-on.

Understanding Industry Requirements

Challenges Faced by Developers

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, developers face several challenges when building scalable and secure backend applications. These challenges include:

  1. Complexity: Integrating various technologies and services, such as servers, databases, authentication systems, and message queues, can be intricate and time-consuming. Developers often spend a significant amount of time and effort on infrastructure setup and configuration.

  2. Fragmentation: The use of multiple frameworks, libraries, and services leads to a fragmented architecture, making it harder to maintain and troubleshoot the application. Developers need a unified solution that simplifies the development process and reduces dependencies.

  3. Scalability and Performance: Building applications that can handle increasing user demands and scale seamlessly is crucial. Ensuring optimal performance, efficient data storage and retrieval, and caching strategies require significant expertise and effort.

  4. Security and Authentication: Implementing robust authentication and access control mechanisms is essential for protecting user data and preventing unauthorized access. Developers must invest time in implementing secure authentication systems, which can be complex and error-prone.

  5. Real-time Updates: Building applications with real-time capabilities, such as instant messaging or live updates, requires integrating technologies like WebSockets or server-sent events. Implementing and managing real-time functionality adds complexity to the development process.

The Rise of Kubernetes

Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration platform, has gained immense popularity in recent years. It provides a scalable and resilient infrastructure for deploying and managing containerized applications. Kubernetes enables developers to focus on application development rather than worrying about infrastructure management, making it an ideal choice for modern application development.

By leveraging the power of Kubernetes, Agnost provides a robust foundation for building and deploying backend applications. Developers can take advantage of Kubernetes' scalability, fault tolerance, and load balancing capabilities to ensure their applications can handle high traffic and scale effortlessly.

The Demand for Low-Code Solutions

The demand for low-code solutions has been steadily increasing, driven by the need for faster development cycles and simplified workflows. Low-code platforms allow developers to create applications using visual interfaces and minimal manual coding, enabling rapid prototyping and iteration.

Recognizing this trend, Agnost incorporates a low-code endpoint designer, empowering developers to create and deploy APIs with ease. This feature eliminates the need for manual route configuration and reduces the time spent on repetitive coding tasks, enabling developers to focus on business logic and innovation.

Let's unveil Agnost and explore its impressive array of features and capabilities, designed to address the challenges faced by developers and simplify backend application development.

Exploring Agnost

Features and Capabilities

Agnost is a comprehensive open-source app development platform that brings together all the essential components required to build scalable and secure backend applications. It offers a unified solution, eliminating the need to integrate multiple frameworks, libraries, and services. Let's explore the key features and capabilities of Agnost:

Application Server

Building the Foundation

At the core of Agnost lies a powerful application server based on Node.js and Express.js. It provides a robust foundation for building backend applications, handling HTTP requests, and executing business logic. Agnost's application server is optimized for performance and supports asynchronous programming models, enabling developers to build high-performing and responsive applications with ease at scale.

Database Integration

Streamlining Data Management

Agnost simplifies data management by seamlessly integrating with popular databases such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, and more. You have the flexibility to connect Agnost with your existing database or create a new one based on your project requirements. Agnost's unified interface and abstraction layer allow developers to interact with different database systems using a consistent API, regardless of whether they connect to an existing database or create a new one. This versatility enables developers to seamlessly handle data storage, retrieval, and querying, regardless of their chosen database setup.


Securing User Access

Security is of paramount importance in any application. Agnost offers built-in authentication mechanisms that allow developers to implement secure user access control effortlessly. It supports popular authentication methods like JWT (JSON Web Tokens), Single-sign On, LDAP and Active Directory, Social Login, and API key authentication. With Agnost's authentication capabilities, developers can easily secure their applications and protect user data.


Enabling Efficient Message Processing

Many backend applications require efficient processing of asynchronous tasks and message queues. Agnost integrates with message queue systems like RabbitMQ and Kafka, enabling developers to handle background tasks, event-driven workflows, and distributed processing seamlessly. Agnost provides developers with the flexibility to either create a new queue or connect to an existing one based on their specific needs. By leveraging Agnost's queue capabilities, developers can improve application performance and scalability.


Simplifying File Storage

Agnost provides seamless integration with popular cloud storage providers like S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage, enabling developers to store and retrieve files with ease. Additionally, developers can take advantage of Agnost's own storage solution powered by This gives developers the option to use Agnost's built-in storage capabilities, providing a flexible and convenient file storage solution within the Agnost ecosystem. Agnost's storage capabilities simplify file management and reduce the need for manual configuration, saving developers valuable time and effort.


Enhancing Performance

Caching plays a crucial role in improving application performance and reducing load on databases. Agnost provides caching features that allow developers to store frequently accessed data in memory. It supports popular caching systems like Redis, enabling faster data retrieval and reducing response times. Agnost's caching capabilities enhance application performance and scalability.


Automating Scheduled Tasks

Managing scheduled tasks, such as data backups, report generation, or periodic data processing, can be cumbersome. Agnost simplifies this process with its cron-job functionality. Developers can define scheduled tasks using familiar cron syntax, and Agnost will automatically execute them at the specified intervals. Agnost's cron-job feature automates routine tasks, reducing manual effort and improving productivity.

Realtime Capabilities

Seamless Integration with WebSockets

Building applications with real-time functionality is becoming increasingly important. Agnost offers seamless integration with technologies like WebSockets and server-sent events, enabling real-time data updates and bidirectional communication between clients and servers. Developers can easily implement features like live chat, real-time notifications, and collaborative editing using Agnost's real-time capabilities.

Low-Code Endpoint Designer

Simplifying API Creation

Agnost revolutionizes the way developers create and manage APIs with its low-code endpoint designer. It provides a visual interface that allows developers to define API endpoints, request/response schemas, and authentication requirements effortlessly. Agnost's low-code endpoint designer eliminates the need for manual route configuration and simplifies the creation and deployment of APIs.


With its set of features and capabilities, Agnost empowers developers to build scalable and secure backend applications with ease.

Let's explore how Agnost supports agile development practices, enhances team collaboration, and streamlines deployment and scaling processes.

Agile Development with Agnost

Rapid Prototyping and Iteration

Agnost is designed to support agile development practices, enabling rapid prototyping and iteration. With Agnost's low-code endpoint designer and unified platform, developers can quickly create prototypes, test ideas, and gather feedback from stakeholders. The visual interface allows for easy modification and iteration, reducing development cycles and accelerating time-to-market.

What sets Agnost apart is its efficient code-push approach. Instead of creating new Docker images for each code change, Agnost adopts a code-push approach. This means that whatever changes you make in your code are deployed to your application servers in seconds. This streamlined process eliminates the need for time-consuming image building and deployment steps, allowing for faster development cycles and immediate application updates. Agnost's code-push approach enhances agility and productivity, enabling developers to make on-the-fly code changes and see the results immediately.

It facilitates faster experimentation, bug fixing, and feature development, empowering developers to iterate and improve their applications with ease.

Enhancing Team Collaboration

Collaboration among team members is crucial for successful software development. Agnost facilitates team collaboration by providing a unified development platform. Developers can work together seamlessly, sharing code, configurations, and project resources. Agnost's built-in version control and collaborative features enable multiple developers to work on the same project concurrently, improving efficiency and reducing conflicts.

Streamlining Deployment and Scaling

Deploying and scaling applications can be complex and time-consuming. Agnost simplifies this process by leveraging the power of Kubernetes. Developers can easily package their applications into containers and deploy them to a Kubernetes cluster with a few simple commands. Agnost handles load balancing, scaling, and fault tolerance, ensuring applications can handle increasing user demands without manual intervention.

Customization and Extensibility

While Agnost provides a unified solution, it also recognizes the need for customization and extensibility. Developers have the flexibility to extend Agnost's capabilities by integrating additional libraries, frameworks, or services based on their project requirements. Agnost's modular architecture allows developers to leverage existing components or develop their own custom components, tailoring the platform to their specific needs.

Agnost's agile development support, collaborative features, streamlined deployment, and extensibility empower developers to work efficiently and adapt to changing project requirements. In the following section, we will explore the technical architecture of Agnost, shedding light on the underlying technologies and how they enable scalability, high availability, security, and more.


Empowering Developers to Innovate

Agnost, the open-source app development platform, is revolutionizing backend development by empowering developers to innovate with ease. By providing a unified solution encompassing an application server, database integration, authentication, queues, caching, cron-jobs, real-time capabilities, and a low-code endpoint designer, Agnost simplifies the development process and eliminates the complexities of integrating multiple technologies. Developers can focus their energy on building innovative features and delivering value to end-users.

Driving Efficiency and Productivity

With Agnost, developers can experience a significant boost in efficiency and productivity. Rapid prototyping and iteration enable quick validation of ideas and gathering of feedback, accelerating the development cycle. Team collaboration is enhanced through a unified platform, facilitating seamless code sharing, version control, and concurrent development. Agnost's streamlined deployment and scaling capabilities, combined with its customization options, eliminate tedious manual tasks and improve overall development efficiency.

No Vendor Lock-in with Agnost's Open-Source Approach

Agnost revolutionizes backend development not only with its powerful features and capabilities but also with its open-source nature. As an open-source platform, Agnost promotes transparency, collaboration, and community-driven innovation. Developers can access the source code, contribute to its development, and customize it to suit their specific needs. This open approach ensures that developers are not locked into a proprietary system and have the freedom to adapt Agnost to their requirements. With Agnost, you have the assurance of a vibrant and supportive community, avoiding vendor lock-in and fostering a sustainable and evolving ecosystem of backend development.

Join the Agnost Community

As Agnost continues to evolve, we invite you to join the vibrant Agnost community. Connect with like-minded developers, share knowledge, and collaborate on exciting projects. As an open-source platform, Agnost thrives on community contributions, feedback, and suggestions. Together, we can shape the future of backend development and create remarkable applications.

In conclusion, Agnost is a game-changer for developers seeking a powerful, scalable, and secure backend development platform. By addressing industry requirements, embracing Kubernetes, and incorporating low-code capabilities, Agnost streamlines the development process, enhances collaboration, and enables developers to build scalable and secure backend applications in minutes. Join us on this journey and unlock the true potential of your development projects with Agnost.

Thank you for joining us on this engaging and informative journey through the features, capabilities, and benefits of Agnost.

Start exploring Agnost today and experience the transformative power it brings to your backend development endeavors.