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Sign Up

Agnost provides three methods to manage user accounts through the client library. You can sign up your app users using email, phone number or 3rd party oAuth provider (e.g., Google, Apple, Twitter, Facebook) based authentication flows.

Sign up users with email

You can create a new user with email and password by using signUpWithEmail method.

let email = "[email protected]";
let password = "12345%";

// Sign up a new user with email and password
const result = await agnost.auth.signUpWithEmail(

// Sign up a new user with email, password and additional user data
const result = await agnost.auth.signUpWithEmail(
name: "Luke",
surname: "Skywalker",
title: "Jedi"
Example response
"user": {
"_id": "623215f2b46a9b5bb144e5d4",
"provider": "agnost",
"providerUserId": "623215f2b46a9b5bb144e5d4",
"email": "[email protected]",
"signUpAt": "2022-03-16T16:53:06.237Z",
"lastLoginAt": "2022-03-16T16:53:06.237Z",
"emailVerified": false,
"name": "Luke",
"surname": "Skywalker",
"title": "Jedi"
"session": null,
"errors": null

By default email verification is enabled in your Version settingsAuthentication view of Studio. However, to use this service you need to configure your SMTP server so that your app can send authentication emails to its end-users. You can set up the email SMTP server in your Version SettingsAuthentication view of Studio.

  • Once you call this method, a verification email will be sent to the user with a link to click and this method returns the user data with a null session.
  • Until the user click this link, the email address will not be verified and a session will not be created.
  • If a user tries to sign in to an account where email has not been verified yet, an error message will be returned asking for email verification.

If you would like to change this, you can disable "Confirm email addresses" in your Version settingsAuthentication view of Studio.

If emailVerified field is set to true and passed in the last parameter of this method in a user JSON object, then the email verification step is bypassed even the email verification is enabled in application authentication settings. This is primarily used for use-cases where the email address of the user is alreay known/verified so that users are not forced to verify their email addresses again.

After the user clicks on the link in the confirmation email, Agnost verifies the verification token sent in the email and if the email is verified successfully redirects the user to the Redirect URL specified when calling signUpWithEmail method with an access_token.


You can define the Redirect URLs in your Version settingsAuthentication view of Studio.

You can customize verification email message template from Version settingsAuthenticationMessage templates view of Studio.


You can use Redirect URL and this access_token to get authentication grants with getAuthGrant method, namely the user data and a new session object will be returned.

~ /page/auth-redirect.js
let accessToken = "at-0e55c6fa93ae4e8cbf6d57fa";

// After email address verified, you can get user and session data using the `access_token`
// If no `access_token` specified as input, tries to retrieve the accessToken from the
// browser url query string parameter named 'access_token'.

const result = await agnost.auth.getAuthGrant(accessToken);
Example response
"user": {
"_id": "6234a7210b72592107523c6c",
"provider": "agnost",
"providerUserId": "6234a7210b72592107523c6c",
"email": "[email protected]",
"signUpAt": "2022-03-18T15:37:05.835Z",
"lastLoginAt": "2022-03-18T16:35:13.693Z",
"emailVerified": true,
"name": "Luke",
"surname": "Skywalker",
"title": "Jedi"
"session": {
"userId": "6234a7210b72592107523c6c",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlb...",
"creationDtm": "2022-03-18T16:35:13.702Z",
"userAgent": {
"ua": "",
"browser": {
"name": "",
"version": "",
"major": ""
"engine": {
"name": "",
"version": ""
"os": {
"name": "",
"version": ""
"device": {
"model": "",
"type": "",
"vendor": ""
"cpu": {
"architecture": ""
"errors": null

If you would like to disable email verification, you can visit Version settingsAuthentication view of Studio and disable "Confirm email addresses".

  • If email confirmation is disabled, a newly created session object with the user data will be returned immediately when you call the signUpWithEmail method. Additionally, you do not need to pass redirectURL parameter of signUpWithEmail since there is no need for email confirmation.

If the email of a user cannot be authenticated, your frontend app will be redirected to the Redirect URL and an error message will be provided in the query string parameter named error.



Here you can find the parameters for the signUpWithEmail method.



Data type



1emailstringYesUnique email address of the user. If there is already a user with the provided email address then an error is raised.
2passwordstringYesPassword of the user, should be at least 6 characters long.
3redirectURLstringNoThis parameter is required if email confirmation is enabled. After email address of the user is confirmed, the user is redirected to this URL with an access_token in query string parameter. The redirectURL needs to match with one of the configured redirect URLs in your Version Settings/Authentication configuration in Agnost Studio.
4userDatauser data object with key-value pairsNoAdditional user data associated with the user that is being created in the database. You can pass additional user fields with values (except email and password) to be created in the database.

Resend verification email

You can resend verification email to the user by calling the resendVerificationEmail method.

const email = "[email protected]";
const redirectURl = "";

// Resends verification email to the user
const { errors } = await agnost.auth.resendVerificationEmail(email, redirectURL);

If email confirmation is disabled in your Version settingsAuthentication view of Studio or the email address of the user is already verified, it returns an error.


Here you can find parameters for the resendVerificationEmail method.



Data type



1emailStringYesThe email address of the user.
2redirectURLStringYesThe redirectURL of the configured redirectURLs in your Version Settings/Authentication configuration in Agnost Studio.

Sign up new users with phone number

You can create a new user with mobile phone number and password by calling signUpWithPhone method.


If phone number verification is anabled, you need to make specific configuration at your SMS provider to use this method. Agnost currently supports Twilio, MessageBird and Vonage to send SMS.

You can customize verification sms message template from Version settingsAuthenticationMessage templates view of Studio.

let number = "+15555555555";
let password = "12345%";
let name = "Luke";

// Sign up a new user with mobile phone number and password
const result = await agnost.auth.signUpWithPhone(number, password);

//Sign up a new user with mobile phone number, password and additional user data
const result = await agnost.auth.signUpWithPhone(number, password, {
name: "Luke",
surname: "Skywalker",
title: "Jedi"
Example response
"user": {
"_id": "6234d2f60b72592107523c6d",
"provider": "agnost",
"providerUserId": "6234d2f60b72592107523c6d",
"phone": "+15555555555",
"signUpAt": "2022-03-18T18:44:06.878Z",
"lastLoginAt": "2022-03-18T18:44:06.878Z",
"phoneVerified": false,
"name": "Luke",
"surname": "Skywalker",
"title": "Jedi"
"session": null,
"errors": null

By default phone number authentication is disabled in your Version settingsAuthentication view of Studio. You can visit AuthenticationMobile phone authentication view to enable "Confirm phone number".

  • Once you call this method, a verification code will be sent to the phone over SMS and the client library returns the user data with a null session.
  • Until the user validates this code by calling verifyPhone, the phone number will not be verified.
  • If a user tries to sign in to an account where phone number has not been confirmed yet, an error message will be returned asking for phone number verification.

If phoneVerified field is set to true and passed in the last parameter of this method in a user JSON object, then the phone number verification step is bypassed even the phone number verification is enabled in application authentication settings. This is primarily used for use-cases where the phone number of the user is alreay known/verified so that users are not forced to verify their phone numbers again.

After user receives the verification code, you can use verifyPhone method to verify the phone number.

let phone = "+15555555555";
let code = "314159";

// Verify phone number using the verification code sent to the phone
// number over SMS and return the user and session data

const result = await agnost.auth.verifyPhone(phone, code);
Example response
"user": {
"_id": "6234d2f60b72592107523c6d",
"provider": "agnost",
"providerUserId": "6234d2f60b72592107523c6d",
"phone": "+15555555555",
"signUpAt": "2022-03-18T18:44:06.878Z",
"lastLoginAt": "2022-03-18T18:52:03.892Z",
"phoneVerified": true,
"name": "Luke",
"surname": "Skywalker",
"title": "Jedi"
"session": {
"userId": "6234d2f60b72592107523c6d",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbnZJZCI...",
"creationDtm": "2022-03-16T19:36:27.739Z",
"userAgent": {
"ua": "",
"browser": {
"name": "",
"version": "",
"major": ""
"engine": {
"name": "",
"version": ""
"os": {
"name": "",
"version": ""
"device": {
"model": "",
"type": "",
"vendor": ""
"cpu": {
"architecture": ""
"errors": null

If you would like to disable phone number verification, you can visit Version settingsAuthentication view of Studio and disable "Confirm phone number ".

  • If phone number confirmation is disabled, a newly created session object and the user data will be returned immediately when you call the signUpWithPhone method.


Here you can find parameters for the signUpWithPhone method.



Data type



1phonestringYesUnique phone number of the user including country code.
If there is already a user with the provided phone number then an error is raised.
2passwordstringYesPassword of the user, should be at least 6 characters long.
3userDatauser data object with key-value pairsNoAdditional user data associated with the user that is being created in the database. You can pass additional user fields with values (except phone and password) to be created in the database.

Parameters for the verifyPhone method.



Data type



1phonestringYesPhone number of the user including country code.
2codestringYesVerification code received from SMS provider.

Resend phone verification code

You can resend mobiel number verification SMS code to the user by calling the resendVerificationCode method.

let phone = "+15555555555";

// Resends verification email to the user
const { errors } = await agnost.auth.resendVerificationCode(phone);

If phone confirmation is disabled in your Version settingsAuthentication view of Studio or the phone number of the user is already verified, it returns an error.


Here you can find parameters for the resendVerificationCode method.



Data type



1phoneStringYesPhone number of the user including country code.

Sign up new users with an oAuth provider

You can sign up a user with the oAuth2 flow of the provider by calling signInWithProvider method. Agnost currently supports Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Github, and Discord as a provider and calling this method will redirect the user to the relevant login page of the provider.


You need to make specific configuration at the provider to retrieve client id and client secret to use this method.

Additionally, you need to add these client id and client secret values to your app's authentication settings using the Version settingsAuthenticationProviders view of the Studio.

const provider = "google";
const redirectURL = "";

// Sign in or sign up a user by using oAuth provider
// Provider name can be "google", "facebook", "twitter", "apple", "github", "discord"
agnost.auth.signInWithProvider(provider, redirectURL);

If the provider's sign in flow completes successfully, Agnost redirects the user to the Redirect URL with an access_token as query string parameter that you can use to fetch the authentication grants (e.g., user and session data).

const accessToken = "at-0e55c6fa93ae4e8cbf6d57fadb211b35";

// after oAuth provider sign-in, you can get user and session data using the `getAuthGrant`
// If no `access_token` specified as input, tries to retrieve the accessToken from the
// browser url query string parameter named 'access_token'.

const response = await agnost.auth.getAuthGrant(accessToken);
Example response
"user": {
"_id": "62322099f067780cad32b034",
"provider": "google",
"providerUserId": "109847134298377823387",
"name": "Rooby",
"email": "[email protected]",
"profilePicture": "",
"signUpAt": "2022-03-16T17:38:33.169Z",
"lastLoginAt": "2022-03-16T19:36:27.733Z"
"session": {
"userId": "62322099f067780cad32b034",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbnZJZCI6IjYyMzA0Y...",
"creationDtm": "2022-03-16T19:36:27.739Z",
"userAgent": {
"ua": "",
"browser": {
"name": "",
"version": "",
"major": ""
"engine": {
"name": "",
"version": ""
"os": {
"name": "",
"version": ""
"device": {
"model": "",
"type": "",
"vendor": ""
"cpu": {
"architecture": ""
"errors": null


Here you can find parameters for the signInWithProvider method.



Data type



1providerstringYesName of the oAuth2 provider, currently supporting google facebook twitter apple discord github
2redirectURLstringYesThe redirectURL of the configured redirectURLs in your Version Settings/Authentication configuration in Agnost Studio.