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Agnost client library allows you to access the Agnost services from your web/mobile applications. In order to use the Agnost client library you need to create an app, deploy your app version to its environment and create an API key in Agnost.


When you create an app, Agnost creates a master version and an associated version environment for you, deploys your app to this environment, bud does not creates an API key. You need to manually create your app API key. You can access the all the required information (e.g., client key, base URL) to initialize the client library from the Settings view or the Dashboard view of your app version in Agnost Studio.

Library Installation

Using package manager

You can install the Agnost client library with package managers like npm, Yarn or pub for dart:

npm install @agnost/client

If you're using a bundler (like webpack), you can import Agnost and create your Agnost client instance. The creation of client library requires two required parameters; baseUrl and apiKey. The baseUrl is the base URL of the Agnost application environment where a version of the application is deployed and apiKey is the API key of your app version.

~ /src/agnost.js
import { createClient } from "@agnost/client";

// Create a client for interacting with Agnost backend app
// You need to provide `baseUrl` and `apiKey` as input parameters
// Optionally, you can provide `apiKey`, `signInRedirect` and `realtime` parameters
// in options. More details can be found in the Options section

let baseUrl = "";
let apiKey = "ak-f59c9ef3a53b40669c6a79a62593e153";

const agnost = createClient(baseUrl, apiKey);


To install with a CDN (content delivery network) add the following script to import Agnost client library.

<script src=""></script>

Then you can use it from a global agnost variable:

const { createClient } = agnost
// Create a client for interacting with Agnost backend app
// You need to provide `baseUrl` and `apiKey` as input parameters
const client = createClient(

Initialization options

You can initialize the client library with realtime, signInRedirect, and localStorage options.

import { createClient } from "@agnost/client"

// Create a client for interacting with Agnost backend app
// You need to provide `baseUrl` and `apiKey` as input parameters
// Optionally, you can also provide `signInRedirect` and `realtime` options

let options = {
signInRedirect: "http://localhost:3000/auth-redirect",
realtime: {
autoJoinChannels: false,
bufferMessages: true,
echoMessages: true,
reconnectionDelay: 2000,
timeout: 30000,

const agnost = createClient(baseUrl, clientKey, options)

By default Agnost client library uses Window.localStorage of the browser.

  • If you prefer to use a different storage handler besides Window.localStorage or if you are using the Agnost client library at the server (not browser) then you need to provide your storage implementation.


Here you can find parameters for the createClient method.



Data type



1baseUrlStringYesThe base URL of the Agnost application environment where a snapshot of the application is deployed.
2apiKeyStringYesThe API key of the app
3optionsClientOptionsNoAdditional client library options.

Client Options

Here you can find properties for the ClientOptions



Data type



1localStorageClientStorageNoIf you prefer to use a different storage handler besides Window.localStorage you need to define localStorage option. You need to define an object having following methods,
1. setItem(key:string, data:object)
2. getItem(key:string)
3. removeItem(key:string)
2signInRedirectStringNoThe sign in page URL to redirect the user when user's session becomes invalid. Agnost client library observes the responses of the requests made to your app backend. If it detects a response with an error code of missing or invalid session token, it can redirect the users to this sign in URL.
3realtimeRealtimeOptionsNoThe configuration parameters for websocket connections.

Realtime Options

Here you can find properties for the RealtimeOptions



Data type



1autoJoinChannelsBooleanNoThe flag to enable or prevent automatic join to channels already subscribed in case of websocket reconnection. When websocket is disconnected, it automatically leaves subscribed channels. This parameter helps re-joining to already joined channels when the connection is restored. By default true.
2bufferMessagesBooleanNoBy default, any event emitted while the realtime socket is not connected will be buffered until reconnection. You can turn on/off the message buffering using this parameter.
3echoMessagesBooleanNoThe flag to enable or prevent realtime messages originating from this connection being echoed back on the same connection. By default true.
4reconnectionDelayIntegerNoThe initial delay before realtime reconnection in milliseconds. By default 1000 milliseconds.
5timeoutIntegerNoThe timeout in milliseconds for each realtime connection attempt. By default 20000 milliseconds.