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Send message

You can send message to the members of a specific channel or you can broadcast a message to all users of your app independent of the channels they have joined.

// Send a message to a specific channel
agnost.realtime.send("technology-chat", "chat-message", {
username: "Luke Skywalker",
profileImage: "",
messageSentAt: "2021-08-16T11:03:21.406+00:00",
message: "Let's have a Juma juice? I will be there in 10 minutes.",

// Broadcast message to all app users
agnost.realtime.broadcast("warning-message", {
username: "Darth Vader",
profileImage: "",
messageSentAt: "2021-08-16T11:10:20.745+00:00",
"This is the last call for Alderaan citizens, you have 15 minutes to leave the planet.",


Here you can find parameters for the send method.



Data type



1channelNameStringYesThe name of the channel.
2eventNameStringYesThe name of the event.
3messageAnyYesThe message payload/contents. All serializable datastructures are supported for the message, including Buffer.
4echoStringNoOverride the echo flag specified when creating the websocket to enable or prevent realtime messages originating from this connection being echoed back on the same connection.

Here you can find parameters for the broadcast method.



Data type



1eventNameStringYesThe name of the event.
2messageAnyYesThe message payload/contents. All serializable datastructures are supported for the message, including Buffer.
3echoStringNoOverride the echo flag specified when creating the websocket to enable or prevent realtime messages originating from this connection being echoed back on the same connection.

If the realtime connection is set to session required, an active user session is required (e.g., user needs to be logged in) to call send and broadcast methods.

Listen to messages

You can listen to messages sent by other users using on, onAny and once methods.

  • The on method registers a new listener function for the given event.
  • The onAny method registers a new catch-all listener function. This listener function is triggered for all messages sent to this socket.
  • The once method adds a one-time listener function for the given event. When the event is triggered, this listener is removed and then invoked.
// Add a listener for `chat-message` events
agnost.realtime.on('chat-message', (payload) => {
'Message received',, //The name of the channel if the message is sent to a channel otherwise it is `null`
payload.message //The contents of the message

// Add a listener for all events
agnost.realtime.onAny((payload) => {
'Message received',, //The name of the channel if the message is sent to a channel otherwise it is `null`
payload.message //The contents of the message

// Add a listener to listen an event only once
agnost.realtime.once('chat-message', (payload) => {
'Message received',, //The name of the channel if the message is sent to a channel otherwise it is `null`
payload.message //The contents of the message


Here you can find parameters for the on and once methods.



Data type



1eventNameStringYesThe name of the event to listen.
2listenerFunctionYesThe callback function that will be called with the event payload. The payload includes channel and message parts. The channel is the name of the channel if the message is sent to a channel otherwise it is null and the message is the contents of the message that is sent using the send or broadcast methods.

Here you can find parameters for the onAny method.



Data type



1listenerFunctionYesThe callback function that will be called with the event payload. The payload includes channel and message parts. The channel is the name of the channel if the message is sent to a channel otherwise it is null and the message is the contents of the message that is sent using the send or broadcast methods.

Unregister message listeners

You can stop listening to specific events or all events using the off and offAny methods.

  • The off method removes the specified listener function from the listener array for the given event name. If listener is not specified, it removes all listeners for for the event named eventName. If neither eventName nor listener is specified, it removes all listeners for all events.
  • The offAny method removes the previously registered listener function. If no listener is provided, all catch-all listener functions are removed.
const eventListener = (payload) => {
"Message received",, //The name of the channel if the message is sent to a channel otherwise it is `null`
payload.message //The contents of the message

// Add a listener for `chat-message` events
agnost.realtime.on("chat-message", eventListener);

// Remove a listener for `chat-message` events"chat-message", eventListener);

const allEventsListener = (payload) => {
"Message received",, //The name of the channel if the message is sent to a channel otherwise it is `null`
payload.message //The contents of the message

// Add a listener for all events

// Remove a listener for all events


Here you can find parameters for the off method.



Data type



1eventNameStringNoThe name of the event to remove the listener function.
2listenerFunctionNoThe callback function that will be removed from the listeners list.

Here you can find parameters for the offAny method.



Data type



1listenerFunctionNoThe callback function that will be removed from the listeners list.

Get event listeners

You can also get the list of listener functions registered for a given event name.

// Add a listener for `chat-message` events
const listeners = agnost.realtime.getListeners("chat-message")


Here you can find parameters for the getListeners method.



Data type



1eventNameStringNoThe name of the event to get the registered listener functions.