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New Agnost Application

Creating a new application in Agnost involves defining your organization, application, versions, and resources. Each application is fully customizable to fit your unique needs. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can create a new Agnost application:

  1. Create a New Application: Inside your organization, click on the Create Application button.
  • You'll need to enter the name of application. Click OK when you're done.
  1. Define Resources: Each application in Agnost can have multiple resources. These resources include databases, caches, message queues, etc. To add a resource, click on the Add Resource button and choose the type of resource you want to add. You'll need to provide necessary details for the resource. If it's a database, for instance, you might need to provide details like the database type (MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, etc.), host, port, username, password, etc. You also have the option to connect to an existing resource or create a new one. For details on how to define resources, refer to the Resource Definition
  1. Create a Version: For each application, you can create multiple versions. These versions work similar to branches in git, allowing you to work on different features or bug fixes independently.
  • To create a new version, open the master version and click on the Create a Copy button, provide the necessary details, and click Create.
  1. Develop Your Application: Once you've set up your organization, application, resources, and versions, you can start developing your application. Agnost provides a visual interface for designing your application, where you can define data models, create endpoints, schedule cron jobs, and more.

Creating a new project in Agnost sets the foundation for your application development. Once the project is set up, you can iteratively develop, test, and deploy your application, ensuring a seamless software development lifecycle.