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Implementing Cronjobs

Cron jobs are essential for automating recurring tasks and maintenance activities in your application. In Agnost, you can easily set up and manage cron jobs to execute specific tasks at scheduled intervals. This section will guide you through the process of creating and configuring cron jobs in Agnost, including defining the job and coding the task handler.

Creating a Cron Job

To create a cron job in Agnost, follow these steps:

1. Access the Cron Job Tab

In the Agnost Studio, click on the '+' icon located in the header to access the options menu.

  • From the dropdown menu, select Cron Jobs to navigate to the Cron Jobs section.

2. Create a New Cron Job

In the Cron Jobs section, you'll have the option to '+ Create Job' to define a new cron job.

  • A dialog box will appear, asking you to provide the following details for your new cron job:

    • Job Name: Enter a descriptive name for your cron job. This name should reflect the purpose or functionality of the job within your application.

    • Log Execution (On/Off): You can choose to log the execution of the cron job. Enabling this option will log detailed information about job execution, including start and end times, status, and execution duration.

    • Enter Cron Syntax: Specify the cron syntax that defines the schedule for your cron job. The cron syntax consists of fields that represent the minute, hour, day of the month, month, and day of the week when the job should run. You can use standard cron notation to set the schedule.

3. Coding the Task Handler

After defining your cron job's configuration, you'll need to code the task handler. The task handler is responsible for executing the specific actions or tasks associated with the cron job. You can use the JavaScript programming language to implement the task handler.

After defining your cron job and coding the task handler, remember to save your changes within Agnost Studio.

Example Task Handler in JavaScript

const cronJobHandler = async () => {
// Implement your task logic here
console.log("Cron job executed at:", new Date().toISOString())

export default cronJobHandler

In this example, we're using Javascript to create a simple cron job that runs at every 12:00 AM, Monday through Friday. The task handler logs the execution time of the cron job to the console.


Setting up and managing cron jobs in Agnost is a straightforward process that allows developers to automate recurring tasks within their applications. By following the steps outlined above, you can create and configure cron jobs with specific schedules and implement task handlers to perform the necessary actions.