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Defining Data Models

In Agnost, defining a data model is a fundamental step in building your application. This section will guide you through the process of creating a data model within Agnost, allowing you to design and structure your application's data with ease.

To define a data model in Agnost, follow these simple steps:

1. Access the Database Section

Click the + icon located in the header of your Agnost dashboard.

  • From the dropdown menu, select Database to navigate to the Database section.

2. Create a New Database

In the Database section, you'll have the option to Create a new database.

  • A dialog box will appear, asking you to enter a database name for your new data model. This name should be descriptive and reflect the purpose of the database within your application.

  • Next, you will need to select a database server from the available options. The database server is the resource you defined previously, which could be MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or SQL Server, depending on your application's requirements.

Then click on the Create button to create your new database. Agnost will then create the database and make it available for use within your application. Click the name of the database to access it, where you can define your data model.

3. Define the Data Model

Once you've created the database, you can begin defining your data model within it. This typically involves creating tables, collections, or data structures that represent various aspects of your application's data.

  • In the Agnost Studio, click on the + Create Model button. This action will take you to the data model creation page.

2. Provide Model Details

On the data model creation page, you'll need to provide the following details for your new model:

  • Name: Enter a descriptive name for your data model. This name should reflect the purpose or entity that the model represents within your application.

  • Description: Optionally, provide a brief description of the model to document its purpose or usage.

  • Enable Timestamps: You can choose whether to enable or disable default timestamps for your model. Timestamps typically include fields like createdAt and updatedAt to track when records were created or last updated.

3. Add Fields to the Model

Once you've created the model, you can click on the name of the model to access its configuration page within the Agnost Studio.

  • On the model configuration page, you can add fields to the model by clicking the + Add Field.

4. Select Field Types

Agnost offers a variety of field types that you can choose from to define the structure of your model. Below are the available field types grouped by category:


  • Text: A basic text field.
  • Encrypted Text: Text data that is encrypted for security.
  • Link: A field for URLs.
  • Rich Text: Supports rich text formatting.
  • Email: For email addresses.
  • Phone: For phone numbers.


  • Boolean: Represents true or false values.
  • Decimal: For decimal numbers.
  • Integer: For whole numbers.


  • Datetime: Represents date and time values.


  • Enum: A field with a predefined set of values.
  • Binary: For binary data, such as images or files.
  • Reference: Links to other models or resources.
  • Geo Point: Represents geographical coordinates.
  • Json: For JSON data.
  • Basic Values List: A list of basic values.

Sub Models

  • Object: Represents an embedded object.
  • Object List: A list of embedded objects.

5. Configure Field Properties

For each field you add to the model, you can configure its properties, such as field name, max length, validation rules, and default values. Agnost Studio provides an intuitive interface for adjusting these settings.

After defining your data model with the appropriate field types and properties, you can start using it in your application. Whenever you need to update the data model, want to change the field types, or add new fields, you can do so easily within Agnost Studio.

Remember that a well-defined data model is essential for building scalable and efficient applications. If you encounter any issues or need guidance on data modeling within Agnost, please refer to our documentation or reach out to our support team for assistance.