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Creating Functions in Agnost

Agnost simplifies the process of creating and utilizing custom functions within your applications. Functions are similar to utility or helper functions that enhance the functionality of your Agnost server-side library. This section will guide you through the steps to create and use functions effectively.

Step 1: Create a New Function

  1. Click the + icon located in the header of your Agnost interface.
  2. From the dropdown menu, select Function.

Step 2: Define the Function

In the Function tab, you will find the option to + Create function in the tab. Follow these steps to define your function:

  1. Enter a Function Name: Give your function a unique and descriptive name that reflects its purpose.
  2. Click Save to confirm the creation of your function.

Step 3: Writing Function Handler Code

Once you've created your function, you can write the handler code for it. The handler code defines the functionality of your function, specifying what it does when called.

Using Custom Functions in Agnost

After creating and defining your custom functions, you can easily integrate them into your Agnost server-side library using the following format:

  • 'functionName': Replace this with the actual name of your custom function that you defined earlier.
  • 'input': Provide the necessary input parameters or data required by your custom function.

Here's an example of how to use a custom function within your Agnost application:

const result = agnost.func('epochConverter').(unixTimestamp);

In this example, we assume that you have a custom function named 'epochConverter' that coverts the epoch time to date time. You pass the 'unixTimestamp' as input to the function, and it returns the converted date time.

By following these steps, you can easily create, define, and use custom functions in Agnost to extend the functionality of your applications and simplify your development process.