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Implementing Backend APIs

In Agnost, implementing backend APIs is a crucial step in building your application's functionality. This section will guide you through the process of creating and configuring backend APIs using Agnost's user-friendly interface.


Agnost uses the Node.js Express framework to handle API requests and responses. When working with Agnost's backend APIs, it's essential to understand the req and res objects, which are common terminologies in Express-based applications. The req object represents the incoming HTTP request, while the res object represents the HTTP response that your API will send back.

For comprehensive information on working with req and res objects and understanding Express.js, please refer to the Express.js documentation.

Here are the steps you can follow to implement backend APIs in your Agnost project:

Creating a Backend API

To implement a backend API in Agnost, follow these steps:

1. Access the Endpoint Creation Page

In the Agnost Studio, click on the + icon located in the header to access the options menu.

  • From the dropdown menu, select Endpoint to navigate to the Endpoint section.

2. Create a New Endpoint

In the Endpoint section, you'll have the option to + Create endpoint to define a new API endpoint.

A dialog box will appear, asking you to provide the following details for your new API endpoint:

  • Endpoint Name: Enter a descriptive name for your API endpoint. This name should reflect the functionality or purpose of the endpoint within your application.

  • Timeout: Specify the timeout duration for the endpoint, which determines how long the server will wait for a response from the API before timing out.

  • Method: Choose the HTTP method for the API endpoint (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to specify the type of request it will handle.

  • Path: Define the endpoint's URL path, indicating where the API will be accessible (e.g., "/api/users").

3. Configure Endpoint Options

Agnost provides several options that you can configure for your API endpoint to customize its behavior. Here are some of the available options:

API Key Required

  • Require a valid API key to call this endpoint: Enable this option if you want to restrict access to the endpoint only to clients that provide a valid API key in their requests. This enhances security and access control.

Session Required

  • Require a valid session token in "Session" header of the request: Enable this option if your API requires users to be authenticated with a valid session token. This ensures that only authenticated users can access the endpoint.

Log Execution

  • Log endpoint request, response, status, and execution duration: Enabling this option will log detailed information about each request made to the endpoint, including request and response data, HTTP status codes, and execution duration. This can be useful for monitoring and debugging.

4. Adding Rate Limiter

To add rate limiting to your endpoint, scroll down to the RATE LIMITERS section.

  • Click the + Add Rate Limiter button to configure rate limiting for your API endpoint. Define the rate limiting settings to control the number of requests allowed within a specified time frame.

5. Adding Middleware

Agnost allows you to enhance the functionality of your API endpoints by adding middleware. Middleware are components that can process requests and responses before they reach the endpoint's core logic.

To add middleware to your API, navigate to the MIDDLEWARES section.

  • Click the + Add Middleware button to add middleware components that perform specific tasks, such as authentication, request validation, or data transformation. You can choose from a list of available middleware or create custom middleware to suit your requirements.

6. Write the Handler Code

This is where you provide the logic for your endpoint. Click on the Edit button or the name of the endpoint to open the code editor and write the handler code for your endpoint.

The handler code is written in JavaScript. It takes a request object as an argument, processes the request based on the logic you define, and returns a response. The request object contains the request parameters, body, headers, etc. You can use various libraries and services provided by Agnost in your handler code, such as database operations, caching, queuing, etc.

Here's an example of a handler code that adds a new movie to the "movies" database:

const endpointHandler = async (req, res) => {
const movieData = req.body
const movie = await agnost.db("movies").model("movie").createOne(movieData)

export default endpointHandler

Maintain code consistency by adhering to the best practice of including a mandatory default export for every handler function in your codebase. This practice enhances code readability and ensures that your functions are easily accessible when importing modules.

7. Test the Endpoint

Once you've written the handler code for your endpoint, you can test it to ensure that it works as expected. Agnost provides a built-in testing tool that allows you to test your API endpoints with ease. To test your endpoint, click the Test button located in the header of the code editor. This will open the testing tool, where you can provide the necessary request parameters and test the endpoint.

Agnost Studio ensures a seamless experience in implementing backend APIs by providing a visual interface for defining the endpoints, middlewares, rate-limiters, writing handler code, testing, and deploying the API. This way, you can focus more on developing your application logic, while Agnost takes care of the rest.

Happy API development with Agnost!