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Agnost provides a user-friendly way to implement middlewares in your application development process. Middlewares help you add custom logic and processing to your API endpoints, enhancing their functionality. Follow these steps to implement middlewares effectively:

  1. Navigate to the Middleware Section

Click the + icon from the header in the Agnost Studio.

  • Select Middlewares from the dropdown menu.
  1. Add a New Middleware

In the Middleware section, locate the + Add middleware option.

  • Click on it to open a dialog box.
  1. Enter Middleware Name

In the dialog box, enter a descriptive name for your middleware. This name should reflect the purpose or functionality of the middleware.

  • Click the Save button to create the middleware.
  1. Write Middleware Handler Code

After creating the middleware, you can now define the handler code for it.

  • The handler code follows a pattern similar to Express middlewares in Node.js. You have access to the req, res, and next objects, allowing you to modify requests and responses and control the flow of execution.

Here's an example of how to define a simple middleware:

const myMiddleware = (req, res, next) => {
// Your middleware logic goes here
// You can modify the request, response, or perform any desired actions.
console.log("Middleware executed in Agnost!")
// Call next() to pass control to the next middleware or route handler.

export default myMiddleware

Maintain code consistency by adhering to the best practice of including a mandatory default export for every handler function in your codebase. This practice enhances code readability and ensures that your functions are easily accessible when importing modules.

You can add custom logic, perform authentication, validation, logging, or any other operations within your middleware.

  1. Apply Middleware to Endpoints or APIs

Once you've defined your middleware, you can easily apply it to specific endpoints or APIs within Agnost.

  • When configuring your API endpoints, you'll have the option to select and attach the middleware you created.
  • This ensures that the middleware logic is executed before the endpoint's main handler.

By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate middlewares into your Agnost-based application, allowing you to add custom functionality and processing to your APIs while maintaining a user-friendly development experience.