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Applications often need to handle and store a variety of data, such as user-generated content, files, images, videos, etc. Agnost provides a robust storage mechanism that supports both local and cloud-based storage solutions.

Why Use Storage?

A typical use case for storage is to allow users to upload files to your application. This could be profile pictures for a social media app, documents for a business application, images for an e-commerce app, and so on. Without a storage solution, handling and managing these files can be a challenging task.

Configuring Storage in Agnost

Like other resources in Agnost, configuring storage is straightforward through the Agnost Studio.

To configure storage:

1. Access the Storage Creation Tab

In the Agnost UI, click on the '+' icon located in the header to access the options menu.

  • From the dropdown menu, select Storage to navigate to the Storage section.

2. Create a New Storage Instance

In the Storage section, you'll have the option to '+ Create new Storage' to define a new storage instance.

A dialog box will appear, prompting you to provide the following details for your new storage instance:

  • Storage Name: Enter a descriptive name for your storage resource. This name should reflect the purpose or functionality of the storage within your application.

  • Select Resource: Choose the appropriate resource from the available options. The resource you select should match the storage service or technology you want to use, such as AWS S3, GCP Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, or MinIO.

  • Click the 'Save' button to create the storage instance.

3. Managing Storage Resources

Once you've created your storage instance, you will see a list of storage resources available in your Agnost environment. You can manage these resources by clicking on the name of the storage.

  • In the navigated page for the storage resource, you can perform various actions, including creating buckets to organize your data.

Creating Storage Buckets

To create storage buckets within a storage resource in Agnost, follow these steps:

1. Access the Storage Resource Tab

Click on the name of the storage resource where you want to create a bucket. This will take you to the page for that specific storage resource.

2. Create a New Storage Bucket

On the storage resource page, you'll have the option to 'Create bucket' to define a new storage bucket.

  • A dialog box will appear, prompting you to provide the following details for your new storage bucket:

    • Bucket Name: Enter a unique name for your storage bucket. This name should be descriptive and reflect the content or purpose of the bucket.

    • Tags: Optionally, you can specify tags to categorize and manage your buckets effectively.

    • Visibility (On/Off): You can choose whether the bucket should be publicly visible or private. Public visibility allows public access to the bucket's content, while private visibility restricts access to authorized users.

  • Click the 'Save' button to create the storage bucket.

In addition to creating buckets using the Agnost Studio interface, you can also create buckets programmatically using the Agnost Server Library. This is particularly useful for developers who want to automate bucket creation as part of their application's workflow.

To create buckets with the Agnost Server Library, follow the documentation and code examples provided in the Agnost Server Library documentation.

3. Managing Storage Buckets

Once you've created your storage bucket, you will see a list of buckets in the storage resource page. You can manage these buckets by clicking on the name of the bucket.

  • In the navigated page for the storage bucket, you can perform various actions, including uploading files, downloading files, and deleting files.