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API Key Settings

In the API Keys section of Version Settings in Agnost, developers have the ability to manage API keys that control access to various aspects of their application. API keys play a critical role in securing and controlling access to your application's functionality and data. This section provides insights into how to create and configure API keys effectively.


Once you have created an API key, you can configure its settings in the General tab. This tab provides a view of the API key's general settings, such as its name, access, and expiration date.

Key Name

Developers can provide a name for the API key, which should be descriptive and indicative of the key's purpose or usage. The name serves as a reference for identifying the key later.

Allow Realtime

  • Allow Realtime: Developers can specify whether this API key can be used by frontend clients to access real-time services. This includes functionalities such as sending and receiving messages to and from channels. Enabling this option is essential for applications that require real-time communication features.

Endpoint Access

Developers can define the level of access granted to this API key regarding calling application endpoints. The available options include:

  • No Access: The API key cannot be used to call application endpoints.
  • Full Access: The API key can be used with all HTTP methods to view, create, update, and delete data.
  • Custom Allowed Endpoints: Developers can specify a list of allowed endpoints. The API key can only be used with the endpoints included in this list.
  • Custom Exclude Endpoints: Developers can specify a list of excluded endpoints. The API key cannot be used with the endpoints included in this list but can access all other endpoints.

Expire Date

Developers can set an expiration date for the API key. This date defines when the key becomes invalid. For keys that should never expire, this field can be left empty.

Allowed Domains

In the Allowed Domains tab, developers can control from which domains requests with this API key are accepted. The available options include:

Authorized Domains

Developers can control from which domains requests with this API key are accepted. The available options include:

  • All Domains: Requests with this API key can be called from any domain.
  • Only Authorized Domains: Requests with this API key are limited to specific authorized domains.

Developers can add authorized domains by entering their names and clicking the "+ Add Another One" button.

Allowed IPs

Under the Allowed IPs tab, developers can control from which IP addresses requests with this API key are accepted. The available options include:

Authorized IPs

Developers can control from which IP addresses requests with this API key are accepted. The available options include:

  • All IPs: Requests with this API key can be called from any IP address.
  • Only Authorized IPs: Requests with this API key are limited to specific authorized IP addresses.

Developers can add authorized IPs by entering their addresses and clicking the "+ Add Another One" button.

By configuring API keys in this manner, developers can effectively manage access to their application's features and data. These keys provide a secure and controlled way for applications, clients, or services to interact with the Agnost platform while adhering to specified restrictions and access policies.