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Environment Settings

In the Environment section of Version Settings in Agnost, you can manage various aspects related to the deployment and configuration of your application's environment. This includes options to redeploy, restart, and configure environment-specific settings.


Redeploy allows you to trigger a new deployment of your application environment. This action initiates the process of updating and relaunching your application components. The date and time of the last deployment are displayed for reference.


Selecting Restart will temporarily shut down your API Servers and then restart them. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to refresh the running environment or troubleshoot any issues related to server performance or stability.

Auto Deploy

When the Auto Deploy option is enabled, changes to your application version will be automatically deployed whenever there are updates or modifications. This feature streamlines the deployment process and ensures that the latest changes are consistently applied.

Environment ID

The Environment ID represents a unique identifier for your environment within your Agnost Cluster. This ID helps differentiate and locate your specific environment configuration.

API Server

The API Server serves as the core component of your application version. It is responsible for running endpoints, managing queues, and handling task handlers. In an Agnost Enterprise cluster, a deployment is created for each app engine of the version, managing a set of replicas of a specific pod template.

Min Replicas

  • Specifies the minimum number of replicas (identical copies) of the specified pod template that should be running at any given time.

Max Replicas

  • Defines the maximum number of replicas that can be created for the specified pod template.

Scale Down Delay

  • Specifies the delay duration before scaling down the number of replicas.

Scale to Zero Pod Retention Period

  • Defines the period for retaining pods when scaling down to zero.

Resource Request and Limits

In this section, you can configure resource requests and limits for CPU and memory usage within your environment.

  • CPU Request: This represents the amount of CPU resources requested for your environment, measured in CPU units.

  • CPU Limit: The CPU limit specifies the maximum amount of CPU resources that your environment can consume, also measured in CPU units.

  • Memory Request: This value represents the amount of memory resources requested for your environment, measured in MiB (Mebibytes).

  • Memory Limit: The memory limit specifies the maximum amount of memory resources that your environment can consume, also measured in MiB.

By configuring these resource settings, you can optimize the performance and resource allocation for your environment.

Clicking "Save" allows you to apply and save any changes made to the Environment settings of your application version.

Suspend Services

Selecting Suspend Services will temporarily suspend access to the API server of this version. This can be useful when you need to restrict access to your application temporarily, such as during maintenance or troubleshooting.

In summary, the Environment settings in Version Settings provide essential configuration options for managing and optimizing your application's deployment. These settings help you control deployment processes, resource allocation, and access to your application's API server effectively.