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Setup Agnost Cluster

Setting up your Agnost environment involves configuring the resources for your applications. This section walks you through the essential steps to correctly configure your Agnost environment for application development.

Step 1: Create Your Agnost Account

  1. Visit the Agnost Studio at the URL or IP address of your Agnost cluster on your web browser (e.g., http(s)://your cluster URL or IP). If you have installed your cluster locally, you can access the Agnost Studio at http://localhost.

  2. To begin, you need to create your Agnost account. Provide your email address, choose a strong password, and enter your name.

  3. Click the "Next" button to register your Agnost account.


    Ensure that you use a strong and secure password to protect your Agnost account.

Step 2: Establish Your Organization

An organization groups together related applications, making it easier to manage applications. After creating your account, you will need to set up your organization.

  1. Enter the name for your organization, which can be your company name or any relevant identifier.

  2. Click the "Next" button to create your organization.


    If you're working individually or within a small team, you can use your name or a project name as your organization.

Step 3: Create Your First Application

Within your organization, you can create your first application. Each application you create in Agnost represents a distinct project or application you're developing.

  1. Provide a meaningful name for your application, such as "MyApp" or "ProjectX."

  2. Click the "Next" button to establish your first application.


    The application name should reflect the purpose or identity of your project.

Enterprise Version Exclusive

Please note that from Step 4 onwards, the configuration steps and features discussed are exclusively available in the enterprise version of Agnost. If you are using the community version, you may not have access to these advanced capabilities. Make sure to check your Agnost subscription to ensure you have access to these features.

Step 4: Configure SMTP Settings (Optional)

Agnost allows you to configure SMTP settings for email notifications and other communication within your organization. This step is optional, and you can skip it if you don't need SMTP configuration.

  1. If you choose to configure SMTP, provide the following information:

    • Host: The SMTP server hostname or IP address.
    • Port: The port number to connect to the SMTP server.
    • User: Your SMTP username.
    • Password: Your SMTP password.
    • TLS: Select this option if your SMTP server requires TLS encryption.
  2. You can also skip this step and configure SMTP settings later if needed.

Step 5: Invite Team Members

Collaborating with a team? You can invite team members to join your Agnost organization. Specify their email addresses and assign roles: "admin", "developer" or "viewer"

  1. Team members with the "admin" role have full access to configure and manage resources, while "developer" and "viewer" roles have more limited access based on their respective permissions.

  2. Click the "Finish" button to send invitations.

You have now successfully set up your Agnost Cluster. You can start building and configuring resources for your applications within Agnost.

  1. Click the Organization name and view your applications.
  1. Click the application name and view your versions.

If you have any questions or need advanced features, refer to the Agnost documentation for detailed guidance.

In the following sections, we'll explore more advanced Agnost features, including monitoring tools, scaling options, and more. Stay tuned!