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Platform Features

Agnost is a Kubernetes development platform that simplifies the process of building and deploying applications. Agnost offers a wide range of features that enable developers to build, deploy, and manage applications with ease. This section explores the key features of Agnost and how they benefit developers.


Agnost offers a versatile database support system, accommodating various database options such as MongoDB, MySQL, or PostgreSQL. Developers can seamlessly integrate their existing database or choose preferred database technology, enabling flexible and compatible data management solutions.


Agnost integrates with prominent cloud storage providers, including AWS S3, GCP Cloud Storage, Azure Blob Storage, and MinIO. Developers gain access to efficient and scalable storage solutions, enabling optimized data access and storage while ensuring data redundancy for reliability.


Enhancing application performance is a priority, and Agnost delivers with its native support for Redis. Redis, an in-memory data structure store, empowers developers to cache frequently accessed data for swift retrieval, reducing database loads and improving application responsiveness.

Message Queues

Agnost supports standard message queuing systems like RabbitMQ and Kafka (coming soon), facilitating reliable communication between microservices. Asynchronous communication ensures seamless data exchange, benefiting applications built on event-driven architectures.


Experience real-time communication with Agnost's support for WebSockets and Server-Sent Events. Developers can build dynamic applications that deliver live updates to users, accommodating features like real-time notifications and collaborative functionalities.


Security is paramount, and Agnost offers an array of authentication methods, including Email, Phone Number based and Social Logins. These authentication options ensure secure and seamless user authentication, safeguarding user data and application resources.


Automating routine tasks is made simple with Agnost's support for scheduled cronjobs. Developers can automate critical background tasks, such as data backups and report generation, optimizing application performance and reducing manual intervention.


Agnost prioritizes security, not only through essential features like API keys, rate limiters, and domain/IP white-listing but also by providing robust session management capabilities. These security measures work in tandem to protect applications against potential threats, unauthorized access, and session-related vulnerabilities, enhancing data integrity and safeguarding sensitive information.


Agnost simplifies scaling with advanced replication capabilities. Developers can create read replicas for databases, cache, and message broker clusters, enhancing performance and fault tolerance. The ability to scale read replicas and manage primary instances allows Agnost to handle serious workloads with ease.


Developers can customize backend environments with ease using Agnost. From setting up MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Redis databases to configuring RabbitMQ message brokers, and even implementing cronjobs and real-time features, Agnost consolidates all essential components into one unified platform. This streamlined approach empowers developers to fine-tune their environments and optimize their applications efficiently.

Automatic Type Definition with Agnost Code Editor

Agnost Code Editor provides seamless automatic type definition, making it easier for developers to work with strongly-typed data and maintain code consistency throughout their projects. This feature enhances code quality and reduces the likelihood of type-related errors.

Full Control over your API Servers

Agnost empowers developers with full control over your API servers, allowing them to efficiently manage and deploy their apps with ease. With Agnost, you can harness the benefits of serverless architecture while maintaining flexibility and customization in your app backends.