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Resource Management

In Agnost, resource definition is a user-friendly process that allows developers and software architects to easily configure the components and services their applications require. This section will guide you through the process of defining and configuring resources within Agnost Studio.

Defining Resources from the Studio

Agnost Studio simplifies the resource definition process, making it accessible to developers and architects.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to define resources in Agnost:

1. Click on Add Resource

To begin defining a resource, click on the "Add Resource" button within the Agnost UI. This will open a dialog box where you can select the type of resource you want to add.

2. Select Resource Type

After clicking "Add Resource", you'll be able to select the resource type from a list of options. These resource types include:

  • Database
  • Cache
  • Storage
  • Message Queue

Choose the resource type that best suits your application's needs and click "Next."

3. Connect or Create

Connecting to an Existing Resource

If you have an existing resource that you want to use, you can connect to it by selecting it from the list of available resources. For example, if you want to connect to an existing database, you can select the Database resource type and choose to connect to an existing database from the list of available databases.

Agnost will guide you through configuring your application to use it by providing the necessary connection information.

Creating a New Resource

If you need to create a new resource, Agnost's UI will guide you through the setup process. You'll be able to provide all the necessary details and configurations for the new resource.

This includes specifying connection information, access credentials, and any other relevant settings.

4. Resource Configuration

Once you've connected an existing resource or created a new one, you can configure it according to your specific requirements.

Agnost's UI provides an intuitive interface for adjusting settings and fine-tuning resource behavior.

5. Use the Resource in Your Application

After defining and configuring the resource, Agnost provides a straightforward way to use it into your application. Developers can easily access and utilize these resources in their application code.

Example: Connecting to an Existing MongoDB Resource

When connecting to an existing MongoDB resource in Agnost, you'll follow a two-step process that allows you to configure the connection details and options for your MongoDB database. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to connect to an existing MongoDB resource using the Agnost user interface:

Step 1 of 2: Resource Selection

  1. Click "Add Resource" in the Agnost UI to start defining a new resource.
  1. Select "Connect existing" to indicate that you want to connect to an existing MongoDB resource.

  2. Choose Type: In this step, you'll choose the type of resource you want to connect to. Select "MongoDB" from the list of available resource types.

Step 2 of 2: Connect to Existing MongoDB

In this step, you'll provide the necessary connection details for your existing MongoDB resource.

Resource Name

  • Name: Enter a unique name for your MongoDB resource. This name will be used to reference the resource in your Agnost environment.

Allowed Roles

  • Admin: Specify the roles allowed for this MongoDB connection. You can choose from options like Admin, Developer, and Viewer, depending on the level of access required for your application.

Choose Type

  • MongoDB: Confirm that you have selected "MongoDB" as the resource type.

Select Connection Format

  • MongoDB: Choose the connection format that matches your MongoDB setup. You can select either "MongoDB" or "MongoDB + SRV" based on your configuration.

Connection Parameters

  • Host: Enter the host or IP address of your MongoDB server.

  • Port: Set the port number for the MongoDB connection. The default MongoDB port is 27017.

  • Username: Provide the username for authenticating with your MongoDB database.

  • Password: Enter the corresponding password for the provided username.

Connection Options

  • Add Another One: If you need to configure additional MongoDB connection options, you can click "Add Another One" to add more parameters.

  • Add Read Replica: If your MongoDB setup includes read replicas, you can add them by clicking "Add Read Replica."

Test Connection

Before finalizing the configuration, it's a good practice to test the connection to ensure that Agnost can successfully connect to your existing MongoDB resource. Click the "Test Connection" button to verify that the provided connection parameters are correct and that Agnost can establish a connection to your MongoDB database.

Once you've completed these steps and successfully tested the connection, you can save the MongoDB resource configuration, and it will be available for use in your Agnost environment.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can seamlessly connect to your existing MongoDB resource within the Agnost platform, enabling you to utilize MongoDB in your application development.