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Creating records

You can use createOne and createMany library methods to insert single or multiple records into a database table, respectively. Below is the list of data types that you can use when defining your table structure using Agnost Studio.


Fields such as record identifiers, created at or updated at timestamps are automatically managed by Agnost, you do not need to set their values.

Inserting a single record

The createOne method inserts a single record in a database table and returns the newly created record in the database.

const binary_data = Buffer.from("binary data contents");
const data = {
name: "John",
rich_text: "rich text field value",
encrypted_text: "12345%&", // primarily used to store passwords
email: "[email protected]",
link: "https://mydomain/avater.png",
phone: "+15555555555",
boolean: true,
integer: 23,
decimal: 34.56,
datetime: "2023-10-24T13:39:42.341+00:00",
date: "2023-10-24",
time: "13:39:42",
enum: "enum value 1",
geo_point: [45.5667, 34.567],
binary: binary_data,
json: {
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2",
reference: 1,

const newUser = await agnost.db("postgres").model("users").createOne(data);
dataRecord objectData to be inserted as a record.

Inserting multiple records

The createMany method inserts multiple records in a database table. It is similar to createOne method, but instead of a single record you provide an array of records to be inserted into the database table. This method returns the count of newly created records in the database.


Agnost runs the createMany method within a database transaction. If any one of the records in the input data list fails during creation, none of the records will be created in the database, i.e., database transaction will be rolled back.

    const binary_data = Buffer.from("binary data contents");
const data = [
name: "John",
rich_text: "rich text field value",
encrypted_text: "12345%&", // primarily used to store passwords
email: "[email protected]",
link: "https://mydomain/avater.png",
phone: "+15555555555",
boolean: true,
integer: 23,
decimal: 34.56,
datetime: "2023-10-24T13:39:42.341+00:00",
date: "2023-10-24",
time: "13:39:42",
enum: "enum value 1",
geo_point: [45.5667, 34.567],
binary: binary_data,
json: {
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2",
reference: 1,

const count = await agnost.db("postgres").model("users").createMany(data);
dataArray of record objectsList of records to be inserted.