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Deleting records

There are three methods (deleteById, deleteOne and deleteMany) in the database module of Agnost server side library that you can use to delete database records.

Delete by ID Method

The deleteById method deletes the record identified by the ID and returns the deleted document count. The returned value will be 1 if the record is successfully deleted or zero if not.

const { count } = await agnost.db("mydb").model("users").deleteById(12345);
NameData typeRequiredDescription
idstring or numberYesUnique identifier of the record to delete.

Delete One Record

The deleteOne method deletes the first record matching the where condition and returns the deleted document count. If the where condition matches multiple documents, only the first document (in natural order, which often corresponds to insertion order unless there's an index that determines otherwise) will be deleted.

// Delete the user mathing the email address
const inputEmail = "[email protected]";
const result = await agnost
.deleteOne({ email: inputEmail });

// Delete the first matching user whose name includes john and older than 18 years
const { count } = await agnost
{ $and: [{ $includes: ["name", "john"] }, { $gt: ["profile.age", 18] }] },
{ join: { as: "profile", from: "profile", where: { id: "" } } }
NameData typeRequiredDescription
whereWhereConditionYesThe where condition that will be used to filter the records. The where condition can only include the fields of the base model and joined models but not looked-up models.
argsDeleteArgsNoOptional arguments.
args.joinJoinDefinitionNoThe join(s) to make (left outer join) while getting the record from the database. You can either specify a reference field name, a join definition, or an array of reference fields and join definitions if you would like to make multiple joins.

Delete Many Records

The deleteMany method deletes the records matching the where condition and returns the count of the records deleted from the database table.

// Delete user records whose name includes john and older than 18 years
const { count } = await agnost
{ $and: [{ $includes: ["name", "john"] }, { $gt: ["profile.age", 18] }] },
{ join: { as: "profile", from: "profile", where: { id: "" } } }
  • Promise<CountInfo>: Returns the count of the records deleted in the database.
NameData typeRequiredDescription
whereWhereConditionYesThe where condition that will be used to filter the records. The where condition can only include the fields of the base model and joined models but not looked-up models.
argsDeleteArgsNoOptional arguments.
args.joinJoinDefinitionNoThe join(s) to make (left outer join) while getting the record from the database. You can either specify a reference field name, a join definition, or an array of reference fields and join definitions if you would like to make multiple joins.