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Executing transactions

The database object allows you perform CRUD operations on the specified database of your application. With Database object, you can create new records/documents in your database table/collection, update or delete existing ones, run queries and paginate over large data sets. Agnost supports running these database operations within a transaction context.

Begin Transaction

The beginTransaction method starts a new transaction on the database server. Any database CRUD operation executed after calling beginTransaction will be performed within the transaction context. If the transaction is not committed, the changes will not be applied to the database.


Please note that transactions are executed on the read-write database, not on the read replicas. Please also make sure that you either commit or rollback a transaction you have started.

try {
await agnost.db("myDb").beginTransaction();
// Perform database operations within the transaction
await someDatabaseOperation();
await anotherDatabaseOperation();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in transaction:", error);

This method ensures that multiple database operations are committed together or rolled back in case of an error, maintaining data integrity.

Commit Transaction

The commitTransaction method commits the currently active database transaction.


Please note that transactions are executed on the read-write database, not on the read replicas.

try {
// Perform some database operations within a transaction
await agnost.db("myDb").beginTransaction();
await someDatabaseOperation();
await anotherDatabaseOperation();
await agnost.db("myDb").commitTransaction(); // Commit the transaction
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error in transaction:", error);

This method commits the database transaction, making the changes permanent. If there are no errors, the changes will be applied to the database.

Rollback Transaction

The rollbackTransaction method aborts the transaction and rolls back the database changes that were executed within the transaction.

try {
// Perform some database operations within a transaction
await agnost.db("myDb").beginTransaction();
await someDatabaseOperation();
await anotherDatabaseOperation();
await agnost.db("myDb").commitTransaction(); // Commit the transaction
} catch (error) {
await agnost.db("myDb").rollbackTransaction(); // Rollback the transaction on error
console.error("Error in transaction:", error);

This method allows you to safely undo database changes within a transaction in case of an error.