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Updating records

There are three methods (updateById, updateOne, and updateMany) in the database module of the Agnost server-side library that you can use to update database records. You can perform several different update operators, which are summarized below:

  • $set: Directly updates the value of the field to the new one
  • $unset: Removes the field value from the database. This operator can only be used in MongoDB databases.
  • $inc: Increments the value of the numeric field (integer or decimal) by the increment amount.
  • $mul: Multiplies the value of the numeric field (integer or decimal) by the specified value.
  • $min: Assigns the minimum of the specified value or the field value. If the input value is less than the current field value, sets the field value to the specified value; otherwise, does not make any changes. This operator is applicable only for integer and decimal fields.
  • $max: Assigns the maximum of the specified value or the field value. If the input value is greater than the current field value, sets the field value to the specified value; otherwise, does not make any changes. This operator is applicable only for integer and decimal fields.
  • $pull: Removes the specified value from a basic values list or sub-object list. This operator can only be used in MongoDB databases.
  • $push: Adds the specified value to a basic values list or sub-object list. This operator can only be used in MongoDB databases.
  • $pop: Removes the last element from a basic values list or sub-object list. This operator can only be used in MongoDB databases.
  • $shift: Removes the first element from a basic values list or sub-object list. This operator can only be used in MongoDB databases.

There is an optimization that we have baked in when updating the field values of a record. To assign a new value to a field, you do not need to use the $set operator but directly assign the new value to the field. See examples below:

// Upate the username of a user record
const user = await agnost.db("mydb").model("users").updateById(12345, {
username: "new_user_name",
age: 25,
hobbies: ["movies", "games", "basketball"]

// The above update operation is the same as below
const user = await agnost
.updateById(12345, {
username: { $set: "new_user_name" },
age: { $set: 25 },
hobbies: { $set: ["movies", "games", "basketball"] },

Update operator examples

Setting the value of a field

// Upate the username of a user record
const user = await agnost.db("mydb").model("users").updateById(12345, {
username: "new_user_name",

Unsetting the value of a field (MongoDB only)

// Remove the username of a user record
const user = await agnost.db("mydb").model("users").updateById(12345, {
username: {$unset: 1},

Incrementing the value of a field

// Upate the like count of a post by 1
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
like_count: { $inc: 1 },
view_count: { $inc: 1 },

Multilying the value of a field

// Multiplying the value of a field by 5
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
dummy_field: { $mul: 5 },

Setting the value of a field to a minimum

// Sets the value of the field to 100 if the existing field value is greater than 100, otherwise does nothing
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
dummy_field: { $min: 100 },

Setting the value of a field to a maximum

// Sets the value of the field to 100 if the existing field value is less than 500, otherwise does nothing
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
dummy_field: { $max: 500 },

Adding and removing items from an array (MongoDB only)

// Remove the first element from skills basic values list
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
skills: { $shift: 1 },

// Remove the last element from skills basic values list
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
skills: { $pop: 1 },

// Add a new skill to the skills basic values list
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
skills: { $push: "JavaScript" },

// Remove a specific skill from the skills basic values list
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
skills: { $pull: { skills: "C++" }},

// Remove a specific address, city matching to "Chicago" from the addresses sub-object list.
// In this example the addresses are stored as an array in users model and each address has a field named city
const user = await agnost
.updateById(3445, {
addresses: { $pull: { city: "Chicago" }},

When using the $pull operator to remove an array entry in MongoDB databases, you need to provide a query to match the elements to remove. You can use the following function in your pull queries: $eq, $neq, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, $nin, $and, and $exists.

Update record by id

The updateById method updates the record identified by the ID and returns the updated record. If no matching record is found, null is returned.

const updates = { age: 25, username: "luke" };
const user = await agnost
.updateById(12345, updates, {
select: ["id", "name", "age", "username"],
NameData typeRequiredDescription
idstring or numberYesUnique identifier of the record to retrieve.
updatesUpdateDefinitionYesPlease see above update operator examples.
argsUpdateByIdArgsNoOptional arguments.
args. selectArray of field namesNoArray of fields to include on the returned record; it can include fields of the base model, joined and looked up models. If not provided, Agnost checks the omit list. If omit is also not provided, then all fields will be returned. You can specify either select or omit but not both.
args.omitArray of field namesNoArray of fields to exclude on the returned record; it can include fields of the base model, joined models, and looked-up models. If not provided, Agnost checks the select list. If select is also not provided, then all fields will be returned. You can specify either select or omit but not both.
args.arrayFiltersArrayFilterFunctionNoThe filtered positional operator $[identifier] in MongoDB identifies the array elements that match the arrayFilters conditions for an update operation. Array filters define the conditional match structure for array objects and are used during update operations that involve the update of array elements. You can only use $eq, $neq, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, $nin, $and, and $exists functions in your array filter conditions. Please note that this option is only available for MongoDB databases.

Update one record

The updateOne method updates the first record matching the where condition and returns the updated record. If the where condition matches multiple documents, only the first document (in natural order) will be updated. If no matching record is found, null is returned.

// Update the first matching user record
const user = await agnost
{ email: "[email protected]" }, // Where query
{ age: 25, username: "luke" }, // Updates
select: ["id", "name", "age", "username"], // Options
NameData typeRequiredDescription
whereWhereConditionYesThe where condition that will be used to filter the records. The where condition can only include the fields of the base model and joined models but not looked-up models.
updatesUpdateDefinitionYesPlease see above update operator examples.
argsUpdateOneArgsNoOptional arguments.
args.selectArray of field namesNoArray of fields to include on the returned record, it can include fields of the base model, joined and looked up models. If not provided, Agnost checks the omit list. If omit is also not provided, then all fields will be returned. You can specify either select or omit but not both.
args.omitArray of field namesNoArray of fields to exclude on the returned record, it can include fields of the base model, joined models, and looked-up models. If not provided, Agnost checks the select list. If select is also not provided, then all fields will be returned. You can specify either select or omit but not both.
args.joinJoinDefinitionNoThe join(s) to make (left outer join) while getting the record from the database. You can either specify a reference field name, a join definition, or an array of reference fields and join definitions if you would like to make multiple joins.
args.arrayFiltersArrayFilterFunctionNoThe filtered positional operator $[identifier] in MongoDB identifies the array elements that match the arrayFilters conditions for an update operation. Array filters define the conditional match structure for array objects and are used during update operations that involve the update of array elements. You can only use $eq, $neq, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, $nin, $and, and $exists functions in your array filter conditions. Please note that this option is only available for MongoDB databases.

Update many records

The updateMany method updates the records matching the where condition and returns the number of the records updated in the database table.

// Update all user records how are older than 18 years
const { count } = await agnost
{ age: { $gt: 18 } }, // Where query
{ dummyfield: "value", dummyField2: { $inc: 5 } } // Updates
NameData typeRequiredDescription
whereWhereConditionYesThe where condition that will be used to filter the records. The where condition can only include the fields of the base model and joined models but not looked-up models.
updatesUpdateDefinitionYesPlease see above update operator examples.
argsUpdateManyArgsNoOptional arguments.
args.joinJoinDefinitionNoThe join(s) to make (left outer join) while getting the record from the database. You can either specify a reference field name, a join definition, or an array of reference fields and join definitions if you would like to make multiple joins.
args.arrayFiltersArrayFilterFunctionNoThe filtered positional operator $[identifier] in MongoDB identifies the array elements that match the arrayFilters conditions for an update operation. Array filters define the conditional match structure for array objects and are used during update operations that involve the update of array elements. You can only use $eq, $neq, $lt, $lte, $gt, $gte, $in, $nin, $and, and $exists functions in your array filter conditions. Please note that this option is only available for MongoDB databases.