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Helper functions

The Function object in the Agnost server side library provides a run method that allows you to execute custom helper functions. You can call this method with any number of parameters, but it is important to ensure that the parameter structure aligns with your helper function's parameter definitions.

Helper functions are utility functions that can be called from your handler methods, middlewares and also other helper functions.

Run a function

You can use the run method to execute your custom helper function. The run method takes the exact parameters of the function that you are calling, runs your helper function and returns a promise that resolves to the response of the function execution.

// Assuming that you have created a function called generateSlug in Agnost studio
import { customAlphabet } from "nanoid";

const generateSlug = async (length) => {
// Generates a random slug
const alphabet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const nanoid = customAlphabet(alphabet, length);
return nanoid();

export default generateSlug;
// You can call this function in any handler, middleware other function code
import { agnost } from "@agnost/server";

const endpointHandler = async (req, res) => {
const userData = req.body;
userData.slug = await agnost.func("generateSlug").run(16);

const result = await agnost.db("postgres").model("users").createOne(userData);

export default endpointHandler;


Here are the parameters for the run method:

#NameData TypeRequiredDescription
1...argsany[]NoThe input parameters of the function (defined by the developer).