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Agnost server library allows you to send realtime messages to specific channels or broadcast to all connected clients. You can also get the list of members of a specific channel.

The realtime module of this library provides a couple of helper methods to send realtime messages from the API server of your app. For a detailed list of realtime features that you can use in your front-end apps please refer to Client API Realtime documentation.

Send message

You can send a message to the members of a specific channel or you can broadcast a message to all users of your app independent of the channels the have joined.

// Send a message to a specific channel
agnost.realtime.send("technology-chat", "chat-message", {
username: "Luke Skywalker",
profileImage: "",
messageSentAt: "2021-08-16T11:03:21.406+00:00",
message: "Let's have a Juma juice? I will be there in 10 minutes.",

// Broadcast message to all app users
agnost.realtime.broadcast("warning-message", {
username: "Darth Vader",
profileImage: "",
messageSentAt: "2021-08-16T11:10:20.745+00:00",
"This is the last call for Alderaan citizens, you have 15 minutes to leave the planet.",


Here you can find parameters for the send method.



Data type



1channelNameStringYesThe name of the channel.
2eventNameStringYesThe name of the event.
3messageAnyYesThe message payload/contents. All serializable datastructures are supported for the message, including Buffer.

Here you can find parameters for the broadcast method.



Data type



1eventNameStringYesThe name of the event.
2messageAnyYesThe message payload/contents. All serializable datastructures are supported for the message, including Buffer.

Get channel members

When you join a channel you might be interested to see the list of people already in a channel. You an use the getMembers method to get the profile data of the specified channel members. The profile data that you receive for each channel member will be the profile data set using the update method. The id value provided in the response is the unique socket id of the channel member.

// Get list of `technology-chat` channel members
let result = await agnost.realtime.getMembers("technology-chat");
Example response
"id": "sNZNwVxTQ-xerrDKAAAU",
"data": {
"username": "Luke Skywalker",
"profileImage": "",
"status": "Available"
"id": "9VlzdovgcCeZ5yZzAAAO",
"data": {
"username": "Darth Vader",
"profileImage": "",
"status": "Talking to Darth Sidious"

Here you can find parameters for the getMembers method.



Data type



1channelNameStringYesThe name of the channel.