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Scheduled Tasks

The scheduled tasks module of this library provides the methods to manually trigger your app's scheduled tasks (a.k.a. cron jobs). With this module, you can run a task manually and get the status of a task.

Typically, a scheduled task runs according to its defined execution schedule. However, with the Agnost server library, by calling the run method, you can manually run scheduled tasks ahead of their actual execution schedule.

Run task

You can run a task using the run method ahead of its planned execution time. It triggers the execution of the specified task. After the task is triggered, the business logic, namely the handler function of the task is executed.

const taskName = "billOnDemand";

// Manually run a task with the name of `billonDemand`
const result = await agnost.task(taskName).run();
Example Response
"trackingId": "6237b225b9a84d607cd79044",
"cronJobId": "6237b1f17c2a9625f0b2119e",
"cronJobName": "billOnDemand",
"triggeredAt": "2022-03-20T23:00:53.966Z",
"status": "pending"
  • If successful, it returns information about the triggered task, including the trackingId.
  • You can use trackingId to check the exectuion status of your task by calling getTaskStatus method.

Get task status

You can retrieve the status of a task using the getTaskStatus method. It gets the latest status of the task with trackingId.

const taskName = "billOnDemand";
const trackingId = "6237b225b9a84d607cd79044";

// Get the status of the manually triggered task whether
// it has been completed, processing or not
const retult = await agnost.task(taskName).getTaskStatus(trackingId);
Example Response
"trackingId": "6237b225b9a84d607cd79044",
"cronJobId": "6237b1f17c2a9625f0b2119e",
"cronJobName": "billOnDemand",
"triggeredAt": "2022-03-20T23:00:53.966Z",
"status": "completed",
"startedAt": "2022-03-20T23:00:54.009Z",
"completedAt": "2022-03-20T23:00:54.036Z"


Here you can find parameters for the getTaskStatus method.



Data type



1trackingIdStringYesThe tracking id of the triggered task.