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Buckets are primarily used to manage your files and its contents (e.g., files, documents, images).

Upload a file

The upload method allows you to upload a file to an existing bucket of your storage. You can upload a file from a readable stream or from a locally stored file on the disk.

import fs from "fs";

const readableStream = fs.createReadStream("path/to/your/file.png");

// Define the file to upload
const file = {
path: "images/avatar/ice.jpg", // This is the name of the file and you can specify the name of your file as a path
mimeType: "image/png",
size: 1024, // File size in bytes
stream: readableStream, // Readable stream of file contents

// Define upload options
const options = {
isPublic: true, // Make the file publicly accessible
upsert: true, // Overwrite the file if it already exists
tags: {
category: "images",
author: "John Doe",
userId: "61fbf6ceeeed063ab062ac05",
const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "profile-images";

try {
const uploadedFileInfo = await agnost
.upload(file, options);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error uploading file:", error);
Example response
"id": "fl-f234fdss34fd",
"bucketId": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"path": "images/avatar/ice.jpg",
"size": 53951,
"mimeType": "image/png",
"isPublic": true,
"uploadedAt": "2022-03-20T14:52:43.213Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:52:43.213Z",
"userId": "611a45f9f3e7ec001950175f",
"tags": {
"category": "images",
"author": "John Doe",
"userId": "61fbf6ceeeed063ab062ac05"


Here are the parameters for the upload method:

#NameData TypeRequiredDescription
1fileFileStreamObject | FileDiskObjectYesThe file object that will be stored in the bucket. A file can be uploaded from a readable stream or from a file locally stored on the disk using its localPath.

If FileStreamObject is provided, the following values need to be provided:
- path: The path of the file (e.g., "path/to/my/file/filename.jpg")
- mimeType: The mime-type of the file (e.g., "image/png")
- size: The size of the file in bytes
- stream: The Readable stream of file contents

If FileDiskObject is provided, the following values need to be provided:
- path: The path of the file (e.g., "path/to/my/file/filename.jpg")
- mimeType: The mime-type of the file (e.g., "image/png")
- size: The size of the file in bytes
- localPath: The local path of the file where it is stored locally.

If FileUploadOptions is provided, additional options can be specified.
2optionsFileUploadOptions (optional)NoOptional options for the upload operation. These include:
- isPublic: Specifies whether the file is publicly accessible (defaults to the bucket's privacy setting if not specified).
- upsert: Specifies whether to create a new file or overwrite an existing file (defaults to false).
- tags: Key-value pairs that will be added to the file metadata.
- userId: The unique identifier of the user who created the bucket.

List files in bucket

The listFiles method allows you to retrieve the list of files stored in a specific bucket within your storage. You can use various options, such as search, pagination, and sorting, to filter and retrieve the list of files.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "profile-images";

// Define list options
const options = {
search: "document", // Search for files with "document" in their path name
page: 1, // Page number (starting from 1)
limit: 100, // Maximum number of files to return per page
sort: {
field: "createdAt", // Field for sorting (e.g., "createdAt")
direction: "asc", // Sort direction ("asc" or "desc")
returnCountInfo: true, // Return count and pagination information

const fileList = await agnost

Example response
"info": {
"count": 5,
"totalPages": 1,
"currentPage": 1,
"pageSize": 100
"data": [
"id": "fl-234e3rwrwr",
"bucketId": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"path": "Booby.png",
"size": 212233,
"mimeType": "image/png",
"isPublic": true,
"uploadedAt": "2022-03-20T15:01:41.993Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T15:01:41.993Z",
"userId": "611a45f9f3e7ec001950175f",
"tags": {
"size": "large"
"id": "fl-565ertertd",
"bucketId": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"path": "Rooby.png",
"size": 53951,
"mimeType": "image/png",
"isPublic": true,
"uploadedAt": "2022-03-20T15:01:00.916Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T15:01:00.916Z",
"userId": "611a45f9f3e7ec001950175f",
"tags": {
"size": "small"
"id": "fl-6756rtwedfs",
"bucketId": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"path": "Fluufy.png",
"size": 53951,
"mimeType": "image/png",
"isPublic": true,
"uploadedAt": "2022-03-20T15:00:56.614Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T15:00:56.614Z",
"userId": "611a45f9f3e7ec001950175f",
"tags": {
"size": "small"
"id": "fl-fdg3423fwe",
"bucketId": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"path": "Teddy.png",
"size": 53951,
"mimeType": "image/png",
"isPublic": true,
"uploadedAt": "2022-03-20T15:00:53.747Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T15:00:53.747Z",
"userId": "611a45f9f3e7ec001950175f",
"tags": {
"size": "small"
"id": "fl-345efsdf23",
"bucketId": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"path": "Winnie.png",
"size": 53951,
"mimeType": "image/png",
"isPublic": true,
"uploadedAt": "2022-03-20T15:00:46.275Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T15:00:46.275Z",
"userId": "611a45f9f3e7ec001950175f",
"tags": {
"size": "medium"


Here are the parameters for the listFiles method:

#NameData TypeRequiredDescription
1optionsFileListOptionsNoOptional options for searching, pagination, and sorting the list of files in the bucket. These include:
- search: The search string parameter for file path names.
- page: A positive integer specifying the page number for pagination (starting from 1).
- limit: A positive integer specifying the maximum number of files to return per page.
- sort: Specifies the field name and sort direction (asc

Get bucket info

You can get information about the bucket by calling the getInfo method.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "profile-images";

// Returns the information about the bucket `profile-images`.
const result = await agnost
Example response
"id": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"name": "profile-images",
"isPublic": true,
"createdAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"tags": {},
"userId": "62c14524cf074016b1045366",
"stats": {
"objectsCount": 5,
"totalStorageSize": 428037,
"averageObjectSize": 85607,
"minObjectSize": 53951,
"maxObjectSize": 212233
  • It returns basic bucket metadata informaton.
  • If detailed=true, it provides additional information about the total number of files contained, their overall total size in bytes, average, min and max file size in bytes etc.


Here you can find parameters for the getInfo method.



Data type



1detailedbooleanNoSpecifies whether to get detailed bucket statistics or not, default false

Check whether bucket exists

You can check whether the bucket exists or not by calling the exists method. If the bucket exists, it returns true, otherwise false.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "profile-images";

// Checks the `profile-images` bucket whether it exists or not
const result = await;

Make bucket public

You can make the bucket public by calling the makePublic method. It sets the privacy of the bucket to true.


You may also choose to make the contents of the bucket publicly accessible by specifying includeFiles=true.

  • This will automatically set isPublic=true for every file in the bucket.
const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "profile-images";

// Makes the `profile-images` bucket and contents public.
const result = await agnost
Example response
"id": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"name": "profile-images",
"isPublic": true,
"createdAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"tags": {},
"userId": "62c14524cf074016b1045366",


Here you can find parameters for the makePublic method.



Data type



1includeFilesbooleanNoSpecifies whether to make each file in the bucket public.

Make bucket private

You can make the bucket private by calling the makePrivate method. It sets the privacy of the bucket to false.


You may also choose to make the contents of the bucket private by specifying includeFiles=true.

  • This will automatically set isPublic=false for every file in the bucket.
const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "profile-images";

// Makes the `profile-images` bucket and contents private.
const result = await agnost
Example response
"id": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"name": "profile-images",
"isPublic": false,
"createdAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"tags": {},
"userId": "62c14524cf074016b1045366",


Here you can find parameters for the makePrivate method.



Data type



1includeFilesbooleanNoSpecifies whether to make each file in the bucket private.

Delete files

You can delete file(s) from the bucket by calling the deleteFiles method. It deletes single or multiple files identified by their paths.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "profile-images";

// Deletes the `profile-image-1.jpg` and `profile-image-2.jpg`
// paths of the files from the `profile-images` bucket.
await agnost
.deleteFiles(["profile-image-1.jpg", "profile-image-2.jpg"]);


Here you can find parameters for the deleteFiles method.



Data type



1pathsstring[]YesList of paths of the files to be deleted.

Rename Bucket

You can rename the bucket name by calling the rename method.

const storageName = "default";
const newName = "device-images";
const oldName = "asset-images";

// Renames the `asset-images` bucket to `device-images`.
const result = await agnost
Example response
"id": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"name": "device-images",
"isPublic": true,
"createdAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"tags": {},
"userId": "62c14524cf074016b1045366",


Here you can find parameters for the rename method.



Data type



1newNamestringYesThe new name of the bucket.

Delete Bucket

You can delete the bucket by calling the delete method. It deletes the bucket and all objects (e.g., files) inside the bucket.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "device-images";

// Deletes the `profile-images` bucket and all its contents.

Empty Bucket

You can empty the bucket by calling the empty method. It removes all objects (e.g., files) inside the bucket.

  • This method does not delete the bucket itself.
  • If you also want to delete the bucket, including all its contained objects, you can use delete method.
const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "profile-images";

// Empties the `profile-images` bucket.

Add tag to bucket

You can add your own tags to each bucket.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "device-images";

// Set a tag for a file
const key = "category";
const value = "documents";

const result = await agnost
.setTag(key, value);
Example response
"id": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"name": "device-images",
"isPublic": true,
"createdAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"tags": { "category": "documents" },
"userId": "62c14524cf074016b1045366",


Here you can find parameters for the setTag method.



Data type



1keystringYesKey (name) of tag.
2valueanyYesValue of tag.

Remove tag from bucket

You can also remove a tag (e.g., your custom metadata associated with your app storage buckets) from your bucket.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "device-images";
const key = "category";

const result = await agnost
Example response
"id": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"name": "device-images",
"isPublic": true,
"createdAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"tags": {},
"userId": "62c14524cf074016b1045366",


Here you can find parameters for the removeTag method.



Data type



1keystringYesThe name (key) of the tag key to remove from bucket metadata.

Remove all tags from file

You can remove all tags (e.g., your custom metadata associated with your bucket) from your bucket.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "device-images";

let result = await agnost
Example response
"id": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"name": "device-images",
"isPublic": true,
"createdAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"tags": {},
"userId": "62c14524cf074016b1045366",

Update bucket info

You can update the overall bucket information (name, isPublic and tags) in a single method call, instead of calling each individual update method separately.

const storageName = "default";
const bucketName = "device-images";

const tags = {
category: "documents",
author: "John Doe",

const result = await agnost
.updateInfo("pictures", false, tags, true);
Example response
"id": "bck-o5nnyhs19dgw",
"storageId": "str-o0dlitj2x5id",
"name": "pictures",
"isPublic": false,
"createdAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"updatedAt": "2022-03-20T14:35:26.814Z",
"tags": {
"category": "documents",
"author": "John Doe",
"userId": "62c14524cf074016b1045366",


Here you can find parameters for the updateInfo method.



Data type



1newNamestringYesThe new name of the bucket. root is a reserved name and cannot be used.
2isPublicbooleanYesThe default privacy setting that will be applied to the files uploaded to this bucket.
3tagsstring or string[]YesArray of string values that will be set as the bucket metadata.
4includeFilesbooleanNoSpecifies whether to make each file in the bucket to have the same privacy setting of the bucket..


File Upload Options

You can define the options for the file upload by using the FileUploadOptions. It defines the available options that can be set during file upload.



Data type


1isPublicbooleanSpecifies whether file is publicy accessible or not. Defaults to the bucket's privacy setting if not specified.
2tagsKeyValuePairKey-value pairs that will be added to the file metadata.
3upsertbooleanSpecifies whether to create a new file or overwrite an existing file. Defaults to false.
4userIdstringThe unique identifier of the user who created the bucket.

File List Options

You can define the options for the file list by using the FileListOptions. It defines the structure how to get the files of a bucket.



Data type


1limitnumberA positive integer that specifies the max number of files to return per page.
2pagenumberA positive integer that specifies the page number to paginate file results. Page numbers start from 1.
3returnCountInfobooleanFlag to specify whether to return the count and pagination information such as total number of files, page number and page size.
4sortFileSortEntrySpecifies the field name and sort direction for sorting returned files.
5searchstringThe search string parameter for file names.

File Sort Entry

Here you can find the properties for the FileSortEntry



Data type

1fieldThe name of the file field that will be used in sorting the returned objects
It can be either isPublic, updatedAt, bucketId, fileName, size, encoding, mimeType, publicPath, userId, tags or uploadedAt
2orderSort direction
It can be asc or desc