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Community and Support

Becoming a part of the Agnost community can help you gain additional knowledge about the platform, get help with issues, and connect with other users.

Getting Support and Reporting Issues

There are several ways you can get support or report issues when you encounter problems with Agnost. It's important to provide as much detail as possible when reporting issues so that the community and Agnost team can understand and reproduce your problem in order to help you.

Reporting Issues on GitHub

If you encounter a bug or issue, please open an issue on the Agnost GitHub repository. Provide as much detail as possible, including:

  • Agnost version
  • Deployment environment (AWS EKS, Azure AKS, GCP GKE, On-Premise Kubernetes, Minikube etc.)
  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • Expected behavior
  • Actual behavior
  • Screenshots or logs if possible

The Agnost team monitors the GitHub issues regularly and will respond as soon as possible.

Agnost Discussions

Join the discussion on the Agnost Forum. You can ask questions, share your experiences, or help others. Visit the Agnost Discussions.

Email Support

For more critical or specific issues related to your use case, you can email the Agnost support team directly at [email protected]. Be sure to provide detailed information about your issue and your environment to help the support team understand and resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

Contributing to Agnost

Agnost is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community. There are many ways you can contribute, whether you're a developer, a designer, a writer, or a user. Here are some ways you can contribute to the Agnost project.

Contribute Code

If you're a developer and want to contribute code to the project, you can start by checking the open issues in the Agnost GitHub repository. If you want to work on a specific issue, please comment on the issue to let others know you're working on it.

Before you start coding, please review the contributing guidelines and code of conduct to understand the project's development process and expectations.

Improve Documentation

Good documentation is as important as good code. If you enjoy writing or have a knack for explaining complex concepts in a simple way, you can help improve the Agnost documentation. This can involve writing new guides or tutorials, improving existing documentation, or fixing typos and grammatical errors.

Report Bugs or Request Features

If you're using Agnost and encounter a bug or have a suggestion for a new feature, please report it on the Agnost GitHub repository. Please provide as much detail as possible so that the community and Agnost team can understand your report or request.

Help Other Users

If you're an experienced Agnost user, you can contribute by helping other users in the Agnost Discussions. Answering questions or providing solutions to problems other users are facing is a great way to contribute to the community.

Social Media

Follow us on social media for the latest updates and announcements about Agnost.