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Agnost has its own Helm chart to install it on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. This chart installs the following components together with Agnost software:

  • MongoDB to store Agnost configuration, your container definitions, and git repository settings
  • Redis to use as a cache to speed up data retrieval and authentication
  • MinIO to store data on S3-compatible buckets
  • Registry to store container images and other data in an OCI Registry
  • Tekton Pipelines as CD pipeline to build, push, and deploy your applications.
  • NGINX Ingress Controller to use as Ingress Controller. You can skip installing this if you already have ingress-nginx running in the cluster. However, you need to specify the existing ingress controller installation namespace in helm values.yaml file. See NGINX Ingress Controller troubleshooting section for more details.
  • Cert Manager to generate TLS certificates for your domain. You can skip installing this if you already have a cert-manager running in the cluster. However, you need to overwrite several default values in values.yaml file. See Cert Manager troubleshooting section for more details.


To install and run Agnost on your Kubernetes cluster, you need and up an running Kubernetes cluster. We highly recommend at least 4CPUs and 8GB of memory for the cluster. As you add more containers and connect your repositories, you may need more resources to build, deploy and run your applications.

Please make sure that you have also installed Helm and kubectl command line tools if not already.

Get Agnost Chart

The first step is to add the Agnost Helm repository to your local Helm client. You can do this by running the following command:

Terminal window
helm repo add agnost-gitops
helm repo update

Install Chart

The next step is to install the Agnost chart on your Kubernetes cluster. You can do this by running the following command.

Terminal window
helm upgrade --install [RELEASE_NAME] agnost-gitops/base \
--namespace agnost --create-namespace

The command deploys agnost-gitops on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration.

See configuration below.

See helm install for command documentation.

Check Installation Satus

You can check the status of the installation by running the following command. If all the pods are running, you can proceed to setting up the Agnost. It may take 5-10 minutes for all the pods to be up and running.

Terminal window
kubectl get pods -n agnost

Please note that if you have installed agnost to a different namespace, you need to replace agnost with your namespace.

Following installation, you need to complete your setup by creating your user account through Agnost Studio. To launch Agnost Studio, type the URL or IP address of your cluster on your browser e.g., http(s)://[your cluster URL or IP]/studio. If you have installed Agnost locally, you can access Agnost Studio at http://localhost/studio

Please note that besides the owner of the Agnost cluster, other users cannot create their own accounts. The owner of the Agnost cluster needs to specifically create invitation links for other users to join the cluster through Agnost Studio.

Uninstall Chart

Terminal window
helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]

This removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

See helm uninstall for command documentation.

Upgrading Chart

Terminal window
helm upgrade [RELEASE_NAME] [CHART] --install

See helm upgrade for command documentation.


See Customizing the Chart Before Installing. To see all configurable options with detailed comments, visit the chart’s values.yaml, or run these configuration commands:

Terminal window
helm show values agnost-gitops/base

Minikube Installation

Create a Minikube cluster, and install the chart:

Terminal window
minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=8192
helm upgrade --install agnost-gitops agnost-gitops/base \
--namespace agnost --create-namespace

Please refer to Minikube Documentation for more information.

GKE Installation (Google Kubernetes Engine)

This chart installs ingress-nginx by default.

Terminal window
helm upgrade --install agnost-gitops agnost-gitops/base \
--namespace agnost --create-namespace

Please refer to GCP documentation to learn more about GKE cluster creation and maintenance.

EKS Installation (AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service)

This chart installs ingress-nginx by default.

Terminal window
helm upgrade --install agnost-gitops agnost-gitops/base \
--namespace agnost --create-namespace \

Please refer to AWS Documentation to learn more about EKS cluster creation and maintenance.

AKS Installation (Azure Kubernetes Service)

This chart installs ingress-nginx by default.

Terminal window
helm upgrade --install agnost-gitops agnost-gitops/base \
--namespace agnost --create-namespace \

Please refer to Azure Documentation to learn more about AKS cluster creation and maintenance.

DOKS Installation (Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service)

This chart installs ingress-nginx by default.

Terminal window
helm upgrade --install agnost-gitops agnost-gitops/base \
--namespace agnost --create-namespace \

Please refer to Digital Ocean Documentation to learn more about DOKS cluster creation and maintenance.

Post Installation

As a next step, you need to complete your setup by creating your user account through Agnost Studio.

To launch Agnost Studio, type the URL or IP address of your cluster on your browser e.g., http(s)://[your cluster URL or IP]/studio

If you have installed Agnost locally you can access Agnost Studio at http://localhost/studio

Accessing Services

If you need to access to the services running on Kubernetes, you need to run kubectl port-forward command.


Terminal window
# you can access to the database from `localhost:27017` after running this:
kubectl port-forward mongodb-0 27017:27017 -n agnost
# username:
kubectl get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' -n agnost | base64 -d
# password:
kubectl get secret mongodb -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' -n agnost | base64 -d


Terminal window
# you can access to the Redis cache from `localhost:6379` after running this:
kubectl port-forward svc/redis 6379:6379 -n agnost
# get password:
export REDIS_PASS=$(kubectl get secret redis -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' -n agnost | base64 -d)
# connect to redis:
redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 --pass ${REDIS_PASS}

MinIO Console

Terminal window
# http://localhost:9001
kubectl port-forward svc/minio-console 9001:9001 -n agnost
# username:
kubectl get secret minio -o jsonpath='{.data.accessKey}' -n agnost | base64 -d
# password:
kubectl get secret minio -o jsonpath='{.data.secretKey}' -n agnost | base64 -d

Docker Registry

Terminal window
kubectl port-forward svc/registry 5000:5000 -n agnost
curl -s http://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog | jq
"repositories": [
curl -s http://localhost:5000/v2/myimage1/tags/list | jq
"name": "myimage1",
"tags": [

Tekton Pipelines

Terminal window
# http://localhost:9097/#/taskruns
kubectl port-forward svc/tekton-dashboard 9097:9097 -n tekton-pipelines

More information can be found here


We recommend installing Nginx Ingress Controller and Cert Manager using the default values of Agnost helm chart. However, if your Kubernetes cluster has already have any one of these components installed then you need to set couple of parameters in your installation command.


If Nginx Ingress Controller has already been installed in your Kubernetes cluster. Please make sure you set the following values in your helm values.yaml file.

ingress-nginx.enabledSet this value to false to that Agnost helm chart does not try to install nginx-ingress controller
ingress-nginx.namespaceOverrideSet this value to the namespace where you have installed the nginx-ingress


If Cert Manager has already been installed in your Kubernetes cluster. Please make sure you set the following values in your helm values.yaml file.

cert-manager.enabledSet this value to false to that Agnost helm chart does not try to install cert-manager
cert-manager.namespaceSet this value to the namespace where you have installed the cert-manager
agnost-webhook.certManager.namespaceSet this value to the namespace where you have installed the cert-manager
agnost-webhook.certManager.serviceAccountNameSet this value to the service account name of the cert-manager

Configuration Values

ingress-nginx.enabledbooltrueInstall ingress-nginx
ingress-nginx.namespaceOverridestringingress-nginxNamespace for ingress-nginx. Even if you do not install the ingress-nginx through Agnost helm chart, please make sure that the ingress-nginx is running in the same namespace
ingress-nginx.controller.autoscaling.enabledbooltrueEnable/Disable autoscaling for ingress-nginx
ingress-nginx.controller.autoscaling.minReplicasint1Minimum ingress-nginx replicas when autoscaling is enabled
ingress-nginx.controller.autoscaling.maxReplicasint5Maximum ingress-nginx replicas when autoscaling is enabled
ingress-nginx.controller.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentageint80Target CPU Utilization for ingress-nginx replicas when autoscaling is enabled
ingress-nginx.controller.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentageint80Target Memory Utilization for ingress-nginx replicas when autoscaling is enabled
cert-manager.enabledbooltrueInstall cert-manager
cert-manager.namespacestring"cert-manager"Namespace for cert-manager. Even if you do not install the cert-manager through Agnost helm chart, please make sure that the cert-manager is running in the same namespace
cert-manager.fullnameOverridestring"cert-manager"Do not allow cert-manager resource names to be prefixed with the release name
cert-manager.startupapicheck.enabledboolfalseNo need for pre checks
agnost-webhook.nameOverridestring""Please do not change nameOverride parameter value of the agnost-webhook
agnost-webhook.fullnameOverridestring"agnost-webhook"Please do not change fullnameOverride parameter value of the agnost-webhook
agnost-webhook.certManager.namespacestring"cert-manager"The namespace cert-manager is running in, this is used to allow cert-manager to discover the agnost DNS01 solver webhook
agnost-webhook.certManager.serviceAccountNamestring"cert-manager"The name of the service account of the cert-manager, this is used to allow cert-manager to discover the agnost DNS01 solver webhook